Communicating between sense hats - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have project send , display data between 2 sense hats. mobile project communication wifi or bluetooth.
both pi running wordpress web site , want pi 1 send $_get pi 2 call python script execute on pi 2 , display message $_get.
current attempt send python script on pi2 not executed.
code proof of concept @ point, wondering if sensible way go, or if possible make work.
advice appreciated.

pi 1 send $_get in form local ip append message

code on pi 2

code: select all

<?php /*   * template name:message  *   *   */ ?> <?php get_header(); ?>  		<div id="container"> 			<div id="content" role="main">                 <?php 			/* run loop output page. 			 * if want overload in child theme include file 			 * called loop-page.php , used instead. 			 */ 			get_template_part( 'loop', 'page' ); 			 			//get  message 			//print_r($_get); 			//echo "<br />";  			//$message= $_get['message']; appened $command 			$command= "/home/pi/"; 			exec($command); 			 			echo $message; 			echo "<br />"; 			echo "message recieved"; 			echo "the time is" . date9"h:i:sa"); ?>                         </div>                 </div>                                                     <?php get_footer(); ?> 
pi 2 sense hat

code: select all

#!/usr/bin/env python3  sense_hat import sensehat  sense = sensehat()  sense.show_message("hello world")

have tried using system() rather exec()? py code has executable permissions?

prefer udp on tcp if devices on same localnet. opinion.



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