nrf24L01 security

i built rc controller drone , wondering how add kind of security doesnt hacked , fly or drive off? i've tried find info on i'm not sure need.i'm sending joystick , on/off switch data ,so know how or start making safer?

your first thought should be, problem today's spread spectrum rc transmitters. if yes first thing make data numerically unrecognizable, i.e., scrambled in simple fashion. however, that's not complete fix hacker can send equally confusing data , make craft erratic fly away, crash, or run flyer. receiver needs know data coming you. pipe number may not enough listener see repeatedly in head of data stream. next step might bury several bytes of id @ different places in stream use several distinct values looks scrambled. receiver extract these values , if not 1 of set known continue previous data. if valid data not received in length of time leave & e sticks in neutral position , reduce throttle value less hover land slowly, failsafe mode on drone. keep in mind id , unscrambling needs execute quickly, simple integer or bit manipulation scheme, craft can still respond commands desired.

this 1 of many approaches. other posters may have techniques more reasonable implement.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > nrf24L01 security



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