Same static IP for WIFI and Ethernet on RPi3 - Raspberry Pi Forums


want access raspberry pi 3 on internet, have port forwarding. problem pi connected internet using ethernet , using wifi (if ethernet disconnected). want keep simple, can access pi on single static ip on local network.

did not find solution issue on internet. people saying should not set same static ip ethernet , wifi. anyway, that's doing , it's working. /etc/dhcpcd.conf:

code: select all

interface wlan0 static ip_address= static routers= static domain_name_servers=  interface enxb827eb5da48d static ip_address= static routers= static domain_name_servers= 

not best solution, there better one? goal simple: i want access via 1 ip address, remains same, no matter if connected using wifi or ethernet (and want able use port want).

it's working far because have 1 connection connected @ time. or 1 connection there unused system.

have ended connecting machines same lan wired , wifi, , seems work i've noticed wrong: "this wifi fast, or ethernet slow". far when wanting quick access nas laptop, plug laptop in , forget take down wireless.

perhaps dhcp server let set ip address hostname? when pi asks, no matter through interface, given same ip. technically not static, should things want.

or go more complex, think work, bridge 2 connections. not have ips on interfaces 1 on bridge alone. no matter how pi connected, br0 , ip applications use.



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