Static from USB speaker with Ethernet cable plugged - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone,

trying use google assistant sdk on pi 2b running modified raspbian, works fine cheap usb "speakerphone" (speaker + mic). annoying drawback permanent noise audible in quiet room. sounds kind of audio-representation of cpu load or something, meaning changes e.g. start process via ssh, or hit key matter.
speaker connected via shielded ~1m usb cable, additionally wrapped in aluminum foil (no change in noise). found the noise pretty disappears unplug unshielded ethernet cable. read somewhere unshielded cable better in terms of audio noise because avoids ground loops. sadly don't have shielded 1 @ hand test. wifi not option setup.
can exclude power supply noise source: ran test pi powered usb power bank. no change.

apart ethernet , speakerphone, no peripherals attached during tests.

ideas (except stp cable, planned :) )?




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