Switching Power Supply - Common Ground

hi there!

i'm working on project involves 660 ws2812b leds. it's star 4 stripes facing 4 different directions (it's bit more complex that's easiest way explain it).
as these leds used actual light room, used @ 100% brightness (white). means 660*0.06 amps = 39.6 amps.
the problem is: can't place power supply in middle of star (as pretty ugly), thought using 4 * 10 amps power supplies. budget limited, thought cheap this: ebay

can connect ground of 4 power supplies create common ground? using 1 single power supply impossible, voltage drop way high (that's think @ least).

any on great!
and sorry possibly bad english? :p

the more can distribute load better.
why not 12 20 smaller dc-dc converters fed 1 12 24v/40a p.s. ?

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