Why no enthusiast Raspberry Pi products? - Raspberry Pi Forums

so, i'm pretty sure has been discussed in form or another, it's wanted chat about.
it's pretty clear lot of raspberry pi users use them gaming purposes, emulators , such. honestly, lot of more software behind (retropie mainly).
so, why not create device users want software support, less concerned pricing? me, personally, i'd happily pay $100 or if dreamcast , n64 games running on pi device.
assume a8 processors, dumped pi 3 board (the chips , controllers associated current pi 3 anyway) allow same software run, @ faster speed, right? admittedly, i'm not computer expert, them.

budget market more covered 0 , pi 3. why don't expand , focus on enthusiast push products harder else? know it's not original plan, following market thing.

don't suppose there higher end products work out of box retropie there?

dirthurts wrote:
tue oct 03, 2017 6:17 pm
it's pretty clear lot of raspberry pi users use them gaming purposes, emulators , such. honestly, lot of more software behind (retropie mainly).
assumption wrong.



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