Logic Chips for Pi Power Supply Project - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all,

looking , gate, or gate, , comparator chip in dual inline packages raspberry pi project.

supply voltage vary between 3 , 5 volts depending on whether using 3 volt battery or 5 volt power supply.

of inputs go high @ 5 volts while other inputs go high @ 3 volts.
chips must tolerant of these variations.
perhaps term "5v-tolerant inputs" applies here.

output of , gate needs 3 volts max if supply voltage or inputs @ 5 volts because connected gpio pin on pi. maybe voltage regulator this?

chips these qualities exist?
if can purchase them?

thanks, john


logic chips suggest @ 74 series of chips there many variations , might find need there.

comparator chip bit general depends on want compare.

suggest try googling ever want compare , see produces.

purchase depends again google find local supplier.

suggest update forum profile show location.



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