Audio Delay HDMI on Raspbian/Kodi (Pi3 model B) - Raspberry Pi Forums

i try search since yesterday receive "we experiencing high traffic.
we'll shortly." made post because anoying , have no google answers problem.

title says all, delay 1-2 seconds audio comming. in kodi use delay option ajust videos (kodi working without delay, don't know why fixed :? ) in raspbian have no clue. sometimes audio come great 480p or less quality videos on omsxplayer, youtube still videos delayed in quality.

-i try type of format or quality (avi, mkv, mp4, etc. in 720 or less) , youtube quality
-my rp3 plugged tv (hdmi), sound still delayed in tv speakers , 2.1 sound sistem plugged on tv same thing

-force hdmi audio
-force analog audio (analog never work in case)
-hdmi_ignore_edid_audio=1 on config.txt analog never work in case said

have no experience have no more ideas

using berryboot retropie, kodi , raspbian. uname comand in raspbian :

code: select all

linux ozamapi 4.9.26v7-aufs #1 smp tue may 9 20:14:03 cest 2017 armv7l gnu/linux
tanks help

what kind of videos playing ?
kind of equipment hdmi connected ?



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