code: [select]
void setup()
// initialize outputs
pinmode(9, output);
pinmode(8, output);
pinmode(7, output);
pinmode(6, output);
pinmode(5, output);
// initialize 4 input
pinmode(4, input_pullup);
void loop()
while (digitalread(4) == low) // executed while button on pin 4 pressed , therefore pin 4 connected gnd
digitalwrite(9, high); // turn led on (high voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait second
digitalwrite(6, high); // turn led on (high voltage level)
delay(3000); // wait second
digitalwrite(8, high); // turn led on (high voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait second
digitalwrite(7, high); // turn led on (high voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait second
digitalwrite(6, low); // turn led off making voltage low
delay(1000); // wait second
digitalwrite(9, low); // turn led off making voltage low
delay(1000); // wait second
digitalwrite(5, high);
(delay(1000)) ;
digitalwrite(6, high); // turn led on (high voltage level)
delay(20000); // wait second delay(20000);
digitalwrite(6, high); // turn led on (high voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait second
digitalwrite(6, low); // turn led off making voltage low
delay(1000); // wait second
digitalwrite(5, low); // turn led off making voltage low
delay(1000); // wait second
digitalwrite(6, high); // turn led on (high voltage level)
delay(20000); // wait second
digitalwrite(7, low); // turn led off making voltage low
delay(1000); // wait second
digitalwrite(8, low); // turn led off making voltage low
delay(1000); // wait second
digitalwrite(6, low); // turn led off making voltage low
delay(1000); // wait second
//any other task here
i want displayed timing outputs or start-end or eny text... can heph me?
i want displayed timing outputs or start-end or eny text... can heph me?sorry, don't understand problem.
do want lcd display (16x2) print, status of led actions is?
if led6 turned on, want display information on screen?
if so, have @ basic information how set lcd display library.
run "hello world" sketch first make sure, shows on screen exclude display problems.
if haven't bought lcd display yet can start serial.print , when running want can transfer lcd display.
and: pls use </> button when posting code.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > LCD-1602
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