3.5 Inch TFT LCD Touch Screen + DUE Board

hello all!

i have received order: 3.5 inch tft lcd touch screen + due board

on ali, sells ili9481. mine came ili9488 (see attached photo).

i new whole arduino stuff.

i cannot seem make display work due. have mega , test that, if provide me guidance.

thank in advance!

i have "very similar" shield.   the pcb traces routed resistor-packs 18x2 header in same way.   the vias right of rps different on shield.

my shield says ili9488.   it seems "similar" ilitek ili9488 not behave ilitek datasheet (or genuine ili9488)

you should find "almost" works utft ili9486.
you should find bodmer's hx8357_due library work (configure ili9486)

the shield designed mega2560.   the utft due driver understand mega shield pinout.
bodmer's library fast.   you might need configure "slower"

tell how on.


Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > 3.5 Inch TFT LCD Touch Screen + DUE Board



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