Problem with audio noises - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello together.

following setting:
have pi in rv. whole electricity system powered rv battery. right before pi powerbank usv. simple, 5v converter charging powerbank , pi powered powerbank. added small sound system (4x 200 watt amp 2 speaker , subwoofer). way, now, connect amp 3,5 jack of pi.

have noises. not bad, disturbing. if pi not playing anything, can hear quit noises. change. mean not constant sound.
, when play music there noise too. funny thing... when play quit there more noise. , if talking noise getting louder when person speaking , in break of speaking, noise quit too.
if connect amp mobile sound great. problem must pi.

guess problem ground. have problem ground. first question: problem if connect ground pin of pi direct ground of vehicle battery. amp , pi have same ground (else pi have ground of powerbank battery). should remove ground of powerbank in case? plus comes powerbank. there problem if powerbank not ground back?

(sorry english... not native english speaker. hope understood anyway mean.)




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