Have I bought the right equipment to build a wireless sensor system?

i purchased following:


arduino uno x2

https://www.sparkfun.com/products/8483 x2

and have 2 of these sensors:


also have zigbee receiver given me (hence spare usb mount above)

the sensors output on serial, , trying stream measurements pc located no more 75ft away @ time. have need power, record, , stream these items? or have missed something? plan use zigbee shield on uno , wire sensor serial in on uno , read way. powering both uno , sensor single 1 of lioh battery packs. sound right approach? go learn how wire setup battery doesnt fry plug in?

one other issue know coming forum on time syncing 2 sensors together. placed distal 1 , turned on , off @ different times, running simultaneously when want measurement. how can make sure when 1 reads value other reading value well, , @ 851am example concentrations reported correct?

what parts. don't force copy, paste , open link find names of parts.


Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Have I bought the right equipment to build a wireless sensor system?



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