HC-SR05 distance cut off at +-60 cm (however arduino works well) - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi people,

trying measure distance hc-sr05 on raspberry pi 3. tried several software sources: none of them measures more approximately 60 cm. further distances give unreliable measurements maximum of 120 cm. assumed it's not software problem. tested exact same circuit (including 5 3.3 voltage divider) on arduino spectacular distance of 4 meters.

if circuit , software not seem problem can wrong?

here gnuplot of distance measured pigpio library. can see hand moving , sensor , noise when hand out of range. in example sensor 140cm away wall , placed in angle of 90 degrees average measurement (without hand) 80 cm.

why working on arduino , not on raspberry pi. thoughts highly appreciated, in advance.

are powering sensor 5v? looks chart got when mistakenly powered device 3v3.



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