HDMI without I2C (EDID ??) connectivity - Raspberry Pi Forums

dear all,
have connected 4 hdmi data/clk differential pairs compute module display (through tfp401a) , hdmi_hpd_n_1v8 pulled 1v8 through 100k resistor (as per io board reference schematic)...
have not connected hdmi_scl, hdmi_sda. hdmi_cec signals.

no image/signal seem reach tfp401a.

couple of questions:
1. because compute module expect information monitor send out data? thought because hotplug detect signal (hdmi_hpd_n_1v8) permanently pulled high automatically send out display data. not case?

2. there way ensure compute module sends out display data automatically , can see @ least image if not @ leas signals switching on , off? how?

many thanks

tfp401 has no idea on connected display.

have tried add

code: select all

config.txt? let's raspberry ignore edid data

in case standard setting display (hdmi_mode, hdmi_group; refer details https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentati ... t/video.md) not work need try custom display mode



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