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Thread: Migrating Notes from nautilus

hi there,

i've upgraded 9.10 on several machines, coming 8.10 on couple, , 9.04 on third. 1 of friends stored lot of info in nautilus notes feature, , needs recover data use in shiny new karmic install.

little trawling on web has found metadata stored under ~/.nautilus/metafiles/ xml files, , fine, i've located these folders on backed-up /home partitions old machines. problem in 9.10 there doesn't appear metadata folder under ~/.nautilus.

i've tried adding notes pre-existing files on new install in case cause nautilus generate folder , files, no avail. stat-ing files reveals no modification time changes, nor change in bytesize, i'm reasonably sure notes aren't being added metadata in actual file somewhere. searching modified files doesn't show appears relevant, i'm @ loss.

put simply, question this: know if nautilus 2.28.1 (the version included in karmic) stores file metadata anywhere other ~/.nautilus/metafiles/ , if so, please let me know is.



seems new location notes , other metadata "~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata/" . i'm not sure storage format, or how data migrated during upgrade.



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