Working example: GPS logger for DUE (using NeoGPS and SdFatLib)

i've adapted gps+sd logging test program uno/mega make due version.
i changed on neogps library improved performance, low memory usage, configurability , stability under load. version possible because author /dev (slashdevin) has updated library due (and provides great support)

the hardware used:
- adafruit ultimate gps breakout connected serial2
- sparkfun microsd shield (cs pin #8) mosi/miso/sck cross wired pins 11,12,13 spi header in centre of due (carefully fold pins under 11,12,13 don't connect due)
- pushbutton toggle logging on/off using pin change interrupt on pin 2 (with 10kohm pull up)
- activity led on pin 5

ps: had cut chunk out of sparkfun shield expose spi header - ugly effective!

see attached zips sketch, short csv log file example plus same in xlsx bit of formatting , few calcs.

Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Due (Moderator: fabioc84) > Working example: GPS logger for DUE (using NeoGPS and SdFatLib)



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