ir sensor receives receiver help

i in pickle , want know if can me. have ir sensor , receiver , want program makes light bulb flash or detect whenever ir receiver in range.
so whenever ir sender detects receiver, should print "detect". done using arduino program. , arduino nano using.

these things use:

how should program like? have code this?

and nano:

i have ir sensor , receiver , want program makes light bulb flash or detect whenever ir receiver in range.  so whenever ir sender detects receiver, should print "detect". 
did mean say:
"i have ir transmitter , ir receiver , want program makes light bulb flash whenever the ir transmitter is received the ir receiver.  so whenever the ir receiver detects the ir transmitter  it should print "detect". "

that ir transmitter led.  at minimum need power , and pulse @ 38 khz.  it directional , have pointed in general direction of receiver.  
that ir receiver looks has led tell receiving.  it directional , may need pointed in general direction of ir transmitter.  depending on module may sensitive pulses , not continuous 38 khz modulated ir.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > ir sensor receives receiver help



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