small rover with 5v dc motor, L298N and USB power bank

hi everyone, build little rover powered 2 of engines, drived l298n.

i whish use power bank battery, 1 example:

do think can wrong choice, in terms of giving motors enough current , not cut off supply because of integrated cut-off circuiti battery have?
i use 1 of output directly engines , 1 on arduino usb.


as usual..... need check specifications. eg...... output voltage, , maximum output current. , check capacity..... such - @ operating power requirement, typical operating time before needing recharge again.

and if powerbank cuts out due minimum current output requirement, people deliberately add timed switch, can momentarily (and periodically) connect suitable sized resistor across powerbank. switch controlled micro-controller (eg. arduino), powered power-bank. long arduino first powered powerbank, arduino can begin wake-up calls, stop powerbank powering down.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > small rover with 5v dc motor, L298N and USB power bank



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