Hobby Rockets - Where to find accurate sensors and How to transfer data? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey there. researching hobby rocket stuff. team plans launch rocket 30,000 ft in sky. looking on 3 things.

1. microcontroller - looking fantastic microcontroller implement sensors , communicate data. far looking @ options arduino due various options , robust library. 

2. sensors - find high precision sensors work said microcontroller. need stuff gps, gyroscope, temperature/humidity, pressure maybe camera. type of accuracy looking stuff real time gps, sensor able recognize 30g pressure, gyro can give rotational data etc. 

3. communication - looking method communicate data sensors live rocket. current idea use ham radio. limited public wavelengths not require license. transmitting gps, gyro, pressure in real time looking for. best possible option method can transmit video of quality. 

thinking of getting arduino setup work sensors, transfer data raspberry pi. pi connected radio stuff transmit data base station. base station calculation , plot data. unless if arduino capable of transferring data through module of sort. 

thank help. 

hack 1 of these? add gps module

not enough sensors?

combination of these two/
lora telemetry.

30,000ft not hobby, that's rocket science ;)



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