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Thread: Installing 64bit flash in 9.10 64bit

hi everyone

having trouble installing 64bit version of flash in 9.10 64 bit. have been following instructions here i'm stuck @ last little bit:

## user
# unpack flash
tar zxf
# create plugins directory if doesn't exist
mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins
# move flash plugins directory
mv ~/.mozilla/plugins/

when type commands terminal returns error stating couldn't find file obvious , if try copy straight plugins folder won't let me due root privileges required.

have in 'downloads' folder , need move /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins. can tell me how please?

many thanks.

if have unpacked (if it's still packed .tar.gz right-click, open archive manager, , extract), copy in home folder in .mozilla/plugins. there should no permission errors, copying home folder, not in /usr.
note: .mozilla hidden folder, when open home folder press ctrl + h show hidden folders. same hide them again.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Installing 64bit flash in 9.10 64bit



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