433 MHz rx stops working when tx is connected - Raspberry Pi Forums
hi all!
goal of project have power strip can switched using arduino micro , relay. arduino driven commands sent pi 2 b+ via 433mhz rf modules http://www.dipmicro.com/store/rf315pair.
both rpi , ardunio have tx , rx module wired to, can have 2-way communications between them: send commands rpi , confirm too.
code side of rf communications between them managed using virtualwire library (arduino: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_virtualwire.html , rpi https://github.com/dzikuvx/pivirtualwire)
expect have rpi sending command open relay, arduino receiving it, opening relay , sending confirm rpi.
problem i'm facing rpi not receive signals while has data pin of antenna (the tx) wired him.
on rpi side, both tx , rx wired 3v3 vin , pin 9 (not gpio9) gnd. tx data connected gpio17 , rx data gpio18. test purpouse arduino keeps sending messages every 0.5 seconds and, far tx not wired, rpi receiving of them without problem.
script on rpi receive mesages, i'm quite sure it's not code problem because problem comes out if plug/unplug antenna while script running same configuration, arduino instead of rpi works charm.
hope of can point me right direction sort out problem.
thank in advance!
goal of project have power strip can switched using arduino micro , relay. arduino driven commands sent pi 2 b+ via 433mhz rf modules http://www.dipmicro.com/store/rf315pair.
both rpi , ardunio have tx , rx module wired to, can have 2-way communications between them: send commands rpi , confirm too.
code side of rf communications between them managed using virtualwire library (arduino: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_virtualwire.html , rpi https://github.com/dzikuvx/pivirtualwire)
expect have rpi sending command open relay, arduino receiving it, opening relay , sending confirm rpi.
problem i'm facing rpi not receive signals while has data pin of antenna (the tx) wired him.
on rpi side, both tx , rx wired 3v3 vin , pin 9 (not gpio9) gnd. tx data connected gpio17 , rx data gpio18. test purpouse arduino keeps sending messages every 0.5 seconds and, far tx not wired, rpi receiving of them without problem.
script on rpi receive mesages, i'm quite sure it's not code problem because problem comes out if plug/unplug antenna while script running
code: select all
import pivirtualwire.pivirtualwire pivirtualwire import time import pigpio if __name__ == "__main__": pi = pigpio.pi() rx = pivirtualwire.rx(pi, 18, 2000) # set pigpio instance, rx module gpio pin , baud rate while true: while rx.ready(): print("".join(chr (c) c in rx.get())) time.sleep(0.1) rx.cancel() pi.stop()
hope of can point me right direction sort out problem.
thank in advance!
are sure have transmitter off when should idle? if pi outputting signal transmit, transmitter swamping receiver , blocking signal. transmitter expects inverted signal 0 means transmit , 1 means don't transmit, software other way around.
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