servo failure using RAMPS 1.4 shield on mega 2560

i can't servo move on servo pin headers of ramps 1.4 using standard sweep code.  ramps 1.4 provides 4 servo headers tied pins 11, 6, 5, & 4 each power , ground (three pin header). need familiar board.  can blink pin 11 on first servo port know have right pin.  when tie led between signal , ground on port , run sweep code led glows dim should pwm.  yet when attach servo port - nothing (and yes checked polarity).  have checked power , ground pins on port , has healthy 5v.  have connected external power supply ramps 1.4 know has plenty of power.  same servos (i have tried 5) work on other arduinos.  ideas doing wrong? ramps 1.4 board should powerhouse since designed run 3d printers.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Microcontrollers > servo failure using RAMPS 1.4 shield on mega 2560



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