Jumpstart Jetson TX2 Dev Kit w/ Pi 3 - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi there,

i'm building system used remotely , 1 of requirements our pi 3 able turn on our nvidia jetson tx2 dev kit in event shuts down. we're shorting power pins on jetson , works fine on jetson's end, having hard time getting of pins on our rpi 3 switch transistor (http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet- ... 123ap.html) we're using off, can short power pins on jetson needed gpio on pi when doesn't receive ping jetson.

suggestions or roadmap appreciated.


i don't understand.

when " shorting power pins" mean connecting positive supply directly ground? sounds bad idea.

datasheet linked not transistor. it's integrated circuit "charge control, monitoring 2, 3, 4 or 5 series supercapacitors"

suspect simplest solution might relay module. http://www.instructables.com/id/control ... pi-and-a-/



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