RAMPS 1.4 servo code trouble

i purchased mega 2560 ramps 1.4 tinker with.  perplexed trying program servo run on board.  trying run sweep example code.  there 4 servo ports on board associated pins 11,6,5, , 4 (i believe).  cannot them run servos.  can run example code on of other arduino boards.  blink code runs know board alive , well.  aware have set enable pin low play stepper drivers on board.  there enable servos?  have tried 4 ports , pins.  have verified power , ground.  don't have scope check pulse on servo pins.

update - tied led 220 ohm resistor across servo port , has shifting glow should changing pwm signal.  looks code working.  signal must low level.  + on port measures 5v.  other arduinos move servo.  think ramps more powerful rather less since designed driving 3d printers.  have powered ramps unit 12v external power supply make sure wasn't lack of power usb connection.  here have experience ramps 1.4 shields?

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > RAMPS 1.4 servo code trouble



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