BLUDVLZ's Logo Manifesto

greetings all,

for past few weeks, ive received few email requests asking thoughts regarding proper logo creation. seems 1 of more requested topics appears on forums, serve sort of guide on topic. ive done few rants (as call them) on subject on past 2 years or ive been participating in these forums, seems on course of time, rants have passed forum archives great unknown. therefore, satisfy requests ive gotten recently, thought id throw new post on topic. wont detailed dissertation on subject do, far more ive ranted on in past. ill gloss on few things , leave out of more in-depth reasoning behind write, if spawns questions or debate ill sure keep eye on thread , answer whatever questions can (my days seem growing ever busier , have less , less time forums). please feel free read through this, take , use whatever advice wish or feel free disagree if want to. makes thread , teaching tool. enjoy

logo design 1 of specialty skills designer can use set himself apart rest of competition. thats not bad designer if dont doing logos (just between , me, hate doing them), ability craft solid, identifiable , versatile logos not talent taken lightly. creating logo 1 of difficult tasks designer can take. art form, really; corporate-sanctioned, sterilized symbol of stature , can make or break company in less 1 second.

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