Removing Resistors Jumpers R62 & R63

hi, resistor jumpers r62 & r63 , how remove it?

why want that?

you can accomplish same thing logging linux processor, , asserting gpio output 23. put u16a tri-state mode, isolate linux , avr serial ports. can use avr serial port using header pins 0 , 1, , linux port using test points tp34 & tp35 (if can find them.)

to disable serial port bridge:
code: [select]
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio23/value

to re-enable serial port bridge:
code: [select]
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio23/value

the advantage here making no physical modifications yun. downside must run first command above every time yun boots (easiest way put in /etc/rc.local) , serial port still connected between 2 processors until run command.

if want remove resistors, how it? soldering iron. will, of course, invalidate warranty, , cause permanent damage yun if not careful.

Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Yún (Moderator: fabioc84) > Removing Resistors Jumpers R62 & R63



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