Swedish characters gets cut out/deleted when saving in backend. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have problems on site new joomla 1.013 installation
when started change swedish in menus example, not work use swedish characters å, ä, ö.
when use 1 of theese gets cut/deleted when save, other characters after swedish one.
for example, writing länkar (links) , save gives me l left after saving.
why happen ?

    * language wish display = swedish
    * encoding browser select = western europe iso 8859-1
    * problematic characters? in content or in user interface labels? = in backend, cant save them
    * see in charset value of page source? = xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1
    * set in language file define '_iso'? = define('_iso','charset=iso-8859-1');

database ?

faulty joomla installation ?

wrong configuration in joomla ?

what can ? ?

i have same problem german , french. i've tried several posts never received answer either.
is there solution this? else need know able answer these posts?


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