[solved] Problem burning bootloader to Leonardo (TeeOnArdu)

hi everyone, i'm trying use leonardo midi device, using this: https://github.com/spark404/teeonardu/tree/arduino-1.6.7
but i'm getting error when try burn bootloader leonardo using arduino uno isp.

- i've installed 1.6.7 ide
- i've installed teensy ide ( https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensyduino.html )
- uploaded arduino isp sketch arduino uno
- i've added teeonardu files hardware folder, can select teeonardo in board menu.
- uploaded arduino isp sketch arduino uno

but when select "burn bootloeader" this:

arduino: 1.6.7 (windows 7), td: 1.28, board: "teeonardu, serial, english"

   at cc.arduino.packages.uploaders.serialuploader.burnbootloader(serialuploader.java:314)
   at processing.app.editor.lambda$handleburnbootloader$42(editor.java:2780)
   at java.lang.thread.run(thread.java:745)
error while burning bootloader.
it's weird because time ago did no problem...

any help?

thank much

i got it.

- use ide 1.6.7
- upload isp sketch arduino uno
- on sketch uncomment line: #define use_old_style_wiring

download teeonardu-arduino-1.6.7 , copy files folder, structure:

code: [select]

remember add avr folder

burn bootloader

that should all.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > [solved] Problem burning bootloader to Leonardo (TeeOnArdu)



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