Running a multi-stage bargraph via MAX7219

i have bargraph unit grouped can considered digits , segments (akin 7-segment display). requirement able scroll bargraph , down, control speed , endpoints, , potentially add additional animations.

i mocked entire circuit on breadbroad , run through paces using ledcontrol.h library , example found here: accounts, max7219 running bargraph correctly, hardware design checks out there's no cause alarm there.

the issue i've run arduino has running other bits of software (looking additional inputs, providing other outputs, , running other counters) bargraph animates, loops bargraph won't work (?). planning on using methodology of "blink without delay" example control time intervals between each segment of bargraph changing state, can't use delay(), beyond that, code looking state changes on inputs change other outputs.

i believe brute-force code using binary references [lc.setrow(0,0,b00000001); through lc.setrow(0,7,b11111111);], seems incredibly inefficient , extremely clunky, not mention debugging or alterations nightmare. also, , error in how max7219 function program running @ speed, have concerns bargraph appear in dot mode, rather solid bar, using method. i'm getting bit frustrated; every idea have seems fall apart when check logic path, , no means software guy, bow people far more skill i.

in short, there more elegant way write code scroll this  8x8 bargraph display [0,0] [7,7] , [0,0], can run outside of for() loop used in example code?

how many bars have , how many segments in each?
what's pinout on these displays?

the max7219 prefers run setrow, keeps anode/"segment" pins while running cathode/"digit" pins before switching next anode.

if understand correctly, want each bar cumulative, not 1 moving segment fill of below? smoothness of should undetectable, best if each of bars pinned common anode (hence asking pinout was).

i think you'll fine may underestimating how fast arduino runs loops , how fast max7219 can refresh displays (800hz, btw). binary references row states simple, stick it.

definitely away delays in code, though. can define functions separately , call them in void loop, still have tie them void loop.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > Running a multi-stage bargraph via MAX7219



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