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Thread: Mounting CIFS shares using KRB5 authentication without joining the domain

hi all,

i'm wondering if possible access cifs share (hosted on win2k3 server) ubuntu 9.10 client without joining client active directory domain...

here's tried last couple of hours :

have installed , configured krb5, mount.cifs, keyutils. fine.

when try mount remote share (after getting tgt kinit ad_user):

mount.cifs //winserver/share /media/cifs -o username=ad_user,domain=ad.domain,sec=krb5 --verbose

(with ad_user active directory user name , ad.domain active directory domain)

mount.cifs raise following error :

mount error(13): permission denied
... not cool...

check klist tickets cache :

ticket cache: file:/tmp/krb5cc_0
default principal: ad_user@ad.domain

valid starting expires service principal
12/16/09 17:29:37 12/17/09 03:29:35 krbtgt/ad.domain@ad.domain
renew until 12/17/09 17:29:37
12/16/09 17:31:04 12/17/09 03:29:35 cifs/winserver@ad.domain
renew until 12/17/09 17:29:37

looks fine tgt , session ticket windows server...

when check network capture done wireshark, everythings works great until smb "tree connect andx request". windows server response status_access_denid , connection closed.

in windows security event log can see successfull logon ubuntu workstation followed successfull logoff...

guess :
managed open connection using kerberos cifs server when workstation tried access files windows server unable match unix account (root "sudo-sued" bash) active directory account , kicked out infamous unknown user.

here can provide me other explanation , (finger crossed) workaround achieve goal ?

goal wich remind :
mounting cifs shares on active directory members windows servers, using kerberos , active directory user account without having join ubuntu workstation domain.


, sorry rather neanderthalic english...

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [all variants] Mounting CIFS shares using KRB5 authentication without joining the domain



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