How can I hide one or both sidebars when loading an external page with wrapper? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

how can hide 1 or both sidebars when loading external page wrapper?

i on iframed pages using wrapper, hide left sidebar, right sidebar, or both.
how can that?

hi, christopher!
unfortunately, answer not simple. solution depends entirely upon construction of template/index.php file.
to explain: joomla parameters allow choose pages left/right modules display on. however, joomla itself not allow "collapse" left/right columns. technique done in template itself, using following:

code: select all

<?php if (moscountmodules('left')) { ?>
              <td class="left">
                <?php mosloadmodules ( 'left' ); ?>
              <?php } ?>

this tells joomla if there "left" modules display on target page, should opened (forming new column) , module content displayed in column. if no left modules displayed on page, column collapses completely.
so, situation require both left , right columns set collapse in template , of left/right modules set not appear on "wrapper" page. wrapper should occupy entire site width. of course, need using nav menu in "top" display area (rather the... uhh... "traditional" left), or you'll lose of nav!  ;)
john mc


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