unresponsive linux side


i suspect linux side of yun may hosed, hope maybe can suggest can try haven't attempted yet.

right out of box, accessed yuns wifi, found , selected wifi network , entered psk, saved/restarted. after waiting several minutes after restart didn't see yun on wireless network (i checked on ap). unplugged , plugged in after this, no luck there, still not on wifi.

next attempted plugging yun in ethernet, no luck there, never link light on network switch.

i've tried accessing arduino ide (v1.6.9) provided yunserialterminal sketch, no luck here, nothing shown on serial monitor. tried many many times few different micro usb cables, baud rates (should 115200/newline though), oses (win 10 , fedora).

finally, i've tried pressing/holding wlan rst 5+/10+/30+ seconds, again no luck, never saw yun's wifi network advertised.

the 32u4 side of yun has 0 problems, i've tried several sketches here expected results.

am missing anything? dead jim?

the wlan rst button have no effect until linux side booted up. since doesn't sound linux booting, button have no effect.

my suggestion load yun serial terminal sketch, , connect serial monitor. then, while watching serial monitor, press yun rst button (not either of 2 other reset buttons.) should able see @ least beginning of boot sequence. give time print out it's going print, , when nothing else has come out 30 seconds or so, copy , paste here. give idea of it's trying do.

Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Yún (Moderator: fabioc84) > unresponsive linux side



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