Actual Pixels and Actual Print Size

what difference between actual pixels , actual print size?

i assume referring special zoom modes of "actual pixels" , "print size".

actual pixels displays image on monitor 1 image pixel uses 1 monitor pixel. zoom state allows see maximum amount of detail available in image, including detail not see if print @ common sizes.

print size (i don't remember ever seeing "actual print size" anywhere in photoshop) photoshop's attempt show image @ same dimensions on screen (in inches or centimeters, not pixels) print at.

in order print size work reasonably well, need make sure units in preferences set correctly. check this, following:
edit>preferences>units , rulers...
look @ number screen resolution. needs set @ pixels per inch monitor. in past, commonly thought of 72 these days monitors have ppis in 90s or greater. can calculate monitor measuring width of screen , divide pixel width of monitor number. in case example, monitor displays 1920 pixels horizontally , 20.5 inches wide. makes screen resolution approx. 94 pixels per inch (1920/20.5).

once have preference set correctly, when select "print size" image appear on-screen @ same dimensions print, assuming current document dimensions , resolutions (as shown in image>image size, example) maintained through printing.

for example, if image>image size tells you have image 8x10 inches, if select zoom mode of "print size", image should approx. 8x10 inches on screen.

prior cs4, many people felt print size zoom state not useful since produced odd zoom size caused "jaggies". now, opengl graphics features turned on in cs4, zoom state little more useful since jaggies reduced regardless of zoom percentage.

More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only)



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