Filename Conventions and Compatibility

windows conventions

windows has maximum path length of 260 characters, includes
the drive letter (+ colon , backslash) folder , sub-folder names ,

under windows using ntfs file system file , folder names may
to 256 characters long.

the following characters invalid file or folder names on windows
using ntfs:
/ ? < > \ : * | " , character can type ctrl key.
in addition above illegal characters caret ^ not
permitted under windows operating systems using fat file system.

in addition these characters, following conventions illegal:
placing space @ end of name
placing period @ end of name

the following file names reserved under windows:
com1, com2, com3, com4, com5, com6, com7, com8, com9, lpt1, lpt2,
lpt3, lpt4, lpt5, lpt6, lpt7, lpt8, lpt9, con, nul, , prn

macintosh os 9 conventions

the illegal character file , folder names in mac os 9
colon ":"

file , folder names may 31 characters in length

macintosh os x conventions

since mac os x build on top of unix there few inherent
conventions os 9 users may not expect. because of this, migrating
certain files , folders os 9 os x may cause unexpected behavior.

the illegal character file , folder names in mac os x
colon ":"

file , folder names not permitted begin dot "."

file , folder names may 151 characters in length

unix conventions

a file name can 255 characters long. restriction
file name restriction not path name length restriction.

a file name can contain character @ exception of
slash ("/") used path name component separator , nul (a
character bits set zero) used internally file
name terminator. file name consist entirely of space ,
back space characters.

all characters significant. in other words unix file naming
system case sensitive. lower case file names more common
upper case file names.

file names not have components or extensions. can have many
dots (up 255 !) in unix file name. many applications,
however, regard part of file name after last dot having
special significance.

as freshly created directory contain entries "." , ".." (dot ,
dot-dot referring current directory , parent directory,
files cannot named "." , ".."

web conventions

all filenames in uri's should conform rfc 1630 (no spaces, necessary escape characters etc.)

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