"Apt-get update" internet connection problem in new Raspbian stretch - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello everyone,

unfortunately "apt-get install" , "apt-get update" not working in new operating system(raspbian stretch).i set configurations acessing internet changing nameservers , assigning static ip.(i changed them /etc/dhcpcd , /etc/resolvconf)

able ping "mirrordirector.raspbian.org" , ip adress "".
able ping "archive.raspberrypi.org" , ip adress ""

bu unfortunately not downloading file these own websides using "apt-get update" , ı can not install java jdk8 using "apt-get install oracle-java8-jdk"

dealing process 2 days , ı still couldn't managed.
same configurations work correctly raspbian jessie , able download document mirrordirector.raspbian.

/etc/apt/sources.list in direction connection configurations set stretch.so there should no problem download files mirrordirector.

higly apreciated(i add configurations ı made below topic)

apt works on raspbian stretch. have been using lot. europe , usa. have others around world suppose.

happen servers go down or become unreachable.

suggest wait bit , try again.

sorry don't have pi hand @ moment try it.



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