w1-gpio,w1-therm module not found - Raspberry Pi Forums

while i'm trying temperature ds18b20,
got problem.and want know how modules,help me plz.

****@*********:/home/pi# sudo modprobe w1-gpio
modprobe: fatal: module w1-gpio not found.
****@*********:/home/pi# sudo modprobe w1-therm
modprobe: fatal: module w1-therm not found.

ps:sorry bad english. :d

assuming running raspbian jessie or stretch, have used rapsi-config enable 1 wire interface ?

once enabled don't need modprobe more

command line or in terminal window do

code: select all

cd /sys/bus/w1/devices ls 
list connected 1 wire devices in format "28-041701672bff"



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