Cataloging Collections Using Joomla, i.e Cars, Toys, Comics, Games ect... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i catalog collections such comic books, blueplrints, game roms ect. trying find best way use joomla online collection database.

offline use software, generate html websites of collection. customizable output templates, can have php snipets inserted @ point. works creating fast set of .html pages of huge collection. these can wrapped in joomla. in fact works quite well. has several drawbacks imagine joomla can overcome savy admin.

the main drawback have using above mentioned method have few steps. huge index of items, can tedious.

another drawback method offline software not customizable like. instance, ( make software specific items. i.e. comics, photos, movies, books, mp3's. these infact few of things collect, collect lot of other things well.

in perfect world have program can better customize needs. short of that.....

i able generate content page in joomla using standard form under say: military reference/aircraft/helicopters/newhelicopter.

this form has have fields common of items in particular catagory.
these like: image, name, weight, speed, crew ect.
i able add, remove, move, rename ect theses field , have them update across of items in catagory/site.
this way can blog items. adding collection , adjusting site progress.

i know whole reason joomla created. maybe need utilize tools there in way can not wrap mind around.

here great example of hope accomplish.

any tips, examples, appreciated.


i impression mosets tree powerful , customisable.  however, not sure if specific field show specific category.



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