ESP 14 ESP8266 WiFi module with Arduino Nano


i've been lucky hands on 2 esp 14 esp8366 wifi modules.
but putting them use not simple imagine.

i found esp14 has stm8 microcontroller controlling esp8266.

looking through tons of post on didn't me much.

i'm imagining stm8 controlled nano sending message on serial.
and getting nano receive message esp 14.

i've manage understand might require @ commands?

i'm looking forward helpfull inputs!


looking through tons of post on didn't me much.
that's wrong place since it's stm8, not stm32.

this seems give information:
it sounds in case they're programming esp8266 directly using esp8266 arduino core. i'm not sure they're using stm8.

i think microcontroller on esp-14 useful if willing figure out how program stm8. i'm not aware of arduino plugin architecture may need use different ide or toolchain.

if want control esp8266 nano using @ commands i'd recommend buy standard esp8266 module.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > ESP 14 ESP8266 WiFi module with Arduino Nano



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