Fedora 26 on Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

this may not new topic!
have used fedora 23 on older rpi quite usefully (given old processor) , obtained latest rpi .
set raspbian , works fine bought 32gb sd , installed fedora 26. slow unusable. after short time
packs altogether in sense no longer responds keyboard or mouse - think possibly because queue of
desperate clicks , keyboard strokes full!

1 thing have noticed difference between fedora , raspbian on startup. both of them show screenfuls of individual
process startups during process small green led next 'power on' red light not fast twinkling in fedora case but
on raspbian case. should both sds used same spec. amazon (not ebay!).

have ideas apart suggesting use raspbian? after real men use fedora don't they?

check file system being expanded use whole card?

code: select all

df -h



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