How to know what is the service launched on raspbian startup? - Raspberry Pi Forums

yes, ... an-startup post too

want achieve instant startup, 1 sec, disabling unwanted startup services in pi.

during boot up, cmd shows things cups printing service, samba, dhcpcd ... etc. don't want uninstall them delay start of these services 5 15 secs.

in case, wanted x started , capable run python3. thing i'll need disable in order achieve targeted 1 sec boot up? have no idea services triggered during start up. can in pointing me directions?

1 second boot sounds bit unrealistic, pi needs few seconds initiate devices , read boot loader, can check startup list using command

code: select all

initctl list
, figure out eliminate.

anyway, imagine vanilla image of raspbian pretty fast boot out of box (10 seconds or so), lite version faster.



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