Just Joomla! - Personal Blog/Dev Site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this own personal blog/dev site, had wanted sometime , bit bullet in hours of morning! lol dev site own personal projects point of resource other joomla , dot mobi developers in same boat me, more content come - literally put thing in couple of hours! aside wanted outlet able give joomla community :)

website url: http://www.jaymoreno.com

template: custom design scratch

additional extensions: joomla art - transmenu (although didnt drop downs afterall!)

additional comments: real simple site using basic html/css design skills, had used concept design client had created using tables, design thought convert template layout css - of sites try keep looking non-joomla site, guess need tweak menu on left text links pretty boring...

i have cool things in development posting shortly on site - 1 of these being point/award system joomla.

i love animated water heading. careful of newsflash though because text kind of difficult read. suggest moving top marquee below border line , ending before gets name logo. that's opinion anyway.

looking good.


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