mp4 video to ws2812 Matrix

so first approch faild gloriously, need hints.
what have selfbuilt ws2812 matrix 32x64 pixel. habe mp4 video (in same resolution), should displayed on matrix.
first try (actually son, programming, teh hardware):
converting each frame according rgb matrix (at 25fps) python programm , direct output textfile ( know not resource saving way, quick do). think teensy 3.2 use driving display should have enought memory handle that.
sadly can't figure out, because arduino ide crashes while c&p file.

our next approach use pi (or other pc) deliver frames "on fly" via uart teensy , let matrix driving.

but running on teensy stand alone. other ideas handle one?
prefereable doable in few days without investing 100 euros?

because arduino ide crashes while c&p file.
how big file?

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > mp4 video to ws2812 Matrix



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