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Thread: Connecting to server using ethernet cable crossover

i have laptop connected via wireless ubuntu server, , works fine, can ssh , sutch.

takes mutch time transfer big files, backups, top speed arround 500kb/s.

figured jointhem in sweet comuunion via ethernet cable.
had 2 unused ethernet cables liying arround, made them crossover t568b.

im stuck, laptop, running ubuntu, find connection , says connected, without me doing thing.
mean, in connections options put ipv4 options shared other computers, , in connection options gives me ip , broadcast address, without me doing nothing.

ok, in server, can put eth0 using ifconfig , while changing interface file (/etc/network/interfaces) dont know how should configure work, shall give static ip?

did, added:
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

restart networking
/etc/init.d/networking restart
it complains dont have wireless working( unplugued pen server)
, complais eth0 lacks configuraion options.

thinking did no mistakes cables, how should configure thing?(both desktop server , laptop.

im running newest server edition , newst desktop edition.

awaiting reply,
have nice day,

quote posted catsrninja view post
and complais eth0 lacks configuraion options.
sounds kinda odd - complaint like? (almost sounds dhcp server complaining).
check ifconfig -a on both machines - in same subnet?

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