ColorSync Sucks

a few weeks ago, or months or eons, posted problem having image looked different in cs3/cs4. turned out didn't explain or post right image , led 1 of eternal threads usual suspects.
anyway, had posted side side , told him left hand 1 blue. 10,10,10 fill.
of course told me nuts , had bad monitor profile, , since never wrong, said else must problem because grey scale test targets fine etc etc. went drycreek , looked @ norman koren's grey scale, , whoa! dark step above black blue. here's gets odd. looking @ in preview or safari , damn sure blue. opened in cs2 , grey. knew or thought knew colorsync has problems. puzzled me, though.
g ballard had posted pdi target because of other thread , had put in rendering intent folder, other day felt pursuing ******* minor irritations , opened in preview. 18,18,18 step blue, step. copied pdi , opened in cs2 right next it. preview (colorsync) blue. cs2 grey.
you know i'm broke buy expensive stuff , use supercal monitor profiling. don't sell feeble brainpower on web , prints me , family wtf. superrcal has never given me grief , think excellent product amateur.

my point?

several things:
1. don't trust colorsync. i.e. don't trust preview or safari. refuse upgrade firefox 3 other reasons, paycheck.
2. pretty problem way colorsync approximates gamma correction @ both high , low end, , photoshop uses better method.
3. people use expression gamma when mean gamma correction , don't realize gamma correction approximation @ low end prevent blocking , @ high end because of saturation.
4. i'm right.
5. supercal has method of correcting individual color gammas more difficult blue. may due typical problems blue such low signal noise ratio.

let games begin.

colorsync mechanism used perform color matching. it's quality of data has work with.

More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only)



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