RTCZero and Tone conflict --SOLVED--

having issue when using built in tone library , rtczero library.
below simple rtc example rtczero library. change addition of call tone().  the tone gets short interruption every time make rtc.getxxx() call.  did googling , couldn't find reference issue.  any ideas how remove interruption?

thank you.

code: [select]
  simple rtc arduino 0 , mkr1000

 demonstrates use of rtc library arduino 0 , mkr1000

 this example code in public domain


  created arturo guadalupi <a.guadalupi@arduino.cc>
  15 jun 2015

  18 feb 2016

#include <rtczero.h>

/* create rtc object */
rtczero rtc;

/* change these values set current initial time */
const byte seconds = 0;
const byte minutes = 0;
const byte hours = 16;

/* change these values set current initial date */
const byte day = 15;
const byte month = 6;
const byte year = 15;

void setup()
  rtc.begin(); // initialize rtc
  // set time
  // set date
  // can use also
  //rtc.settime(hours, minutes, seconds);
  //rtc.setdate(day, month, year);
  tone(12, 4000);

void loop()
  // print date...
  // ...and time

nobody else has had issue?  can please try sketch , confirm.  way can sure hardware problem.

Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Zero (Moderator: cmaglie) > RTCZero and Tone conflict --SOLVED--



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