
Showing posts from September, 2013

Edit Menu Item component error - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

can me please? i've lost homepage. when go edit menu item :: component [ component ] this see. menu_image=-1 pageclass_sfx= header=welcome frontpage page_title=0 back_button=0 leading=4 intro=1 columns=1 link=1 orderby_pri= orderby_sec=rdate pagination=2 pagination_results=1 image=1 section=0 section_link=0 category=0 category_link=0 item_title=1 link_titles= readmore= rating= author= createdate= modifydate= pdf=0 print=0 email=0 unpublished=0 any gratefully accepted. thanks. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Scripting listener!

scriptinglistenerjs.log , scriptinglistenervb.log put on desktop every file work on. it's driving me nuts deleting these. have tried of methods turn thing off, none working. going crazy , need in matter. thank you! rob script listener plugin records events in photoshop can use info when constructing scripts. if not want start, move plugins folder. it's exact location depend on put it. on cs3 system it's in plugins/automate More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

dificultad con ATTACH INTERRUPT

hola todos, soy nuevo en el foro. los mouse viejos (con la bola abajo) tienen dos discos perforados ranurados. cada uno de estos discos entre un led infrarrojo y un receptor generando una onda cuadrada. estoy utilizando ese sistema led-receptor del mouse, pero hago girar entre ellos un disco con tres agujeros equidistantes unas 6400 rpm como máximo, es decir genero una señal cuadrada de (6400/60)*3 = 320 hz como máximo. el disco tiene unos 7cm de diametro y los agujeros, que están bien en la periferia , un diametro de unos 8mm. me genera una señal entre 0 y 2,5v, teniendo 2,5v cuando el agujero coincide con el haz. deseo medir la aceleración de ese disco (es para un proyecto de un banco de prueba para motos de rodillo inercial). para ello, necesito saber en que momento pasa un agujero, en que momento pasa el siguiente, , dejar pasar 13, y nuevamente saber en que momento pasa el catorceavo y luego el quinceavo. luego tendría que hacer cálculos. pero el problema es que no me fu...

Printing problem in CS4

recently, have problems trying print of psd files. tells me there no printer installed. have tried flatten, save as, no avail. yet other files print ok. i thought files might corrupt, copied them installation. on computer printed ok. i working in vista, 4gb memory , heaps of disk space. what problem? what sources of files? remember having such issues png files created on mac , imported layers psd way during development phase. apparently somehow messed internal structure of document somehow... issues should have been fixed, though. mylenium More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

control servo motor by blutooth

i want code of servo motor work when turn on leds in bluetooth rc controler app on android ,in way ,servo turn 90 degree when led on ,and when led turn of servo rotate 90 in other direction..servo connected sh.l293d ,,plz me wait, wiat, led it? "when led on" isn't clear. also, l293d has no control on motor's position (90 degrees). tells motor spin faster or  slower or stop, in direction. if give more details  want do, how want work, maybe clearly  understand Arduino Forum > Community > Gigs and Collaborations > control servo motor by blutooth arduino

how to use arduino PID library?

hi i new arduino programming , want use pid library using motor position encoder, example provided on arduino pid website confusing my current code : #include <pid_v1.h> //define variables we'll connecting to double setpoint, input, output; int counta=0; int last_a; float error_a, error_int_a, error_calc_a, d_a; int forward = 9; int backward = 7; int pwm = 10; int directionforward = 5; int directionbackward = 2; //specify links , initial tuning parameters pid mypid(&input, &output, &setpoint,5,0,30, direct); void setup() { //motota   pinmode(pwm, output);   pinmode(forward, output);   pinmode(backward, output);   pinmode(directionbackward , input);   pinmode(directionforward , input);   attachinterrupt(digitalpintointerrupt(directionbackward ), pulsecounta, rising);   serial.begin(19200);   //initialize variables we're linked to   input = digitalread(5);   setpoint = 100; //  setoutputlimits(-255,...

Thread: I can not install karmic and lucid alpha

hi friends had problem karmic installation on compaq 615.when try install can't boot screen after selecting install ubuntu or install without changing computer.i see black screen , after few minutes dvd drive stop spinning.i tried lucids first alpha , ıt same.what advice me do... ok,i think cd bad, had had cd try? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] I can not install karmic and lucid alpha Ubuntu

SD SPI MISO sharing issue

i have been able sd card working fine arduino uno. have 165 shift register works fine. when use both @ same time, sd card no longer recognizable. i have  tried numerous things, cannot solved. if remove 165 shift register miso connection,  , nothing else, sd card works fine. has run problem before?  appreciated. i buffer miso coming sd cards reason. use 1 gate of 74hc125, brings 5v level well. control oe of gate sd's chip select pin. the 74hc165 does not have an oe/, sure use 74hc125 gate there chip select line. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > SD SPI MISO sharing issue arduino

Pedido en la página

buenas amigos, es mi primer post y primera compra en esta página. me pillado un genuino mkr1000. no encontrado otro sitio donde comprarlo y al final me decante por pillarlo aquí. mi duda es la siguiente. ¿saben el tiempo que tardan en llegar casa los paquetes de aquí?. el envío es por ups con un precio de 7.82€. no ponía el tiempo que tardaban en enviarlo solo ponía que era un día de manufacturacion. un saludo y gracias de antemano!! le preguntaste tu oficina local de dhl? yo jamás compré mediante ese courier. Arduino Forum > International > Español > Humor y Debate (Moderators: surbyte, Hector_A) > Pedido en la página arduino

Stepper motor controlled by temperature sensor

hello all, i have been tinkering around small stepper motor. have arduino running temperature sensor, lcd, , hbridge bipolar (4 pin) stepper motor. code have runs temperature sensor value every 2 seconds , has if statement run stepper motor @ 78 rpm fixed amount of steps. problem doing of in void loop, run command have motor run, if temp remains in correct range run loop on again. [ if(temperaturef >= tempfstart)   {     mystepper.setspeed(0);     mystepper.step(0);   }   else   {     mystepper.setspeed(78);     //motor travels @ 0.5 inches/4 seconds     mystepper.step(375);        //motor turns 375 steps = 1.5 inches traveled   } ] my question how make program run through , activate motor when reaches degree range , stop? my other question how can make motor stay until temperature sensor value goes within range? can make motor return 0 position? again, segment of code provid...

Hide Navigation - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey, i'm trying hide navigation text bit, i.e. home > news or home > news > article 1 is there way of hiding this? the "navigation text bit" known pathway  see Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Running python code when wifi connects - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm running latest version of raspbian stretch, , have python file run when connect internet. emails ip address of pi, plan on running headless, , way don't need static ip address. have put copy of in both /etc/network/interfaces.if-up.d/ , /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/, doesn't run when connect internet. when code: select all sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 send it. how can working in raspbian stretch? managed working fine on ubuntu server doing this. i came cludgy way - wrote python application loops every 30 seconds, checking state of internet connection. it's on github @ . this'll now, if there better alternative, please let me know. raspberrypi

Encripted usb Password generator

hello dear friends. over past couple of years received messages many websites i've been registered have been hacked exposing personal details. names ebay, many more... i decided best way keep myself safe have file random generated passwords every site, perhaps stored in kind of usb flash memory using arduino (i need few kb) split data text, keylogger, upon entering password. flash protected , couple of tries wrong access password lock device permanently. suggestions start build such device? or perhaps better idea altogether, knows? thanks archive text file in encrypted .zip on usb. remember zip file password. unrelated arduino Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Encripted usb Password generator arduino

Fout melding JCE plugin image manager extended 1.1.3 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hoi allemaal, ik gebruik de jce editor met hierin de plugin image manager extended versie 1.1.3 steeds als ik een foto wil toevoegen en ik klik op een bestand krijg ik een fout melding. wie kan mij vertellen waar ik de fout kan herstellen? bekijk de printscreen voor de fout melding. hey, ik zou uninstallen en meteen de recentste versie van jce erop zetten (1.1.6). daar zit de imagemanager meteen in. je kan hem hier downloaden: ... 2&itemid=6 misschien doet ie het meteen en zit je niet uren te zoeken naar de oorzaak van die foutmelding  succes! Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Mambots 1.0.x

Led off button and analog input dependent.

ok, working on project led on, unless button pressed. it's getting analog input. i concentrating on 3 analog inputs, 0v.........3.3v...........and 5v. led suppose on button off whole time, unless button pressed, need led turn on when sees correct analog reading. so if analog reading 0v , button pressed led should go off , turn on when analog reading 3.3v...............that part working how should, problem having when analog reading 3.3v , button pressed led should go off till analog reading 5v. the led staying on when analog reading 0v. not sure doing wrong. code: [select]       const int buttonpin = 2;    // number of pushbutton pin const int ledpin = 13;      // number of led pin int outputvalue = 0; int sensorvalue = 0; // variables change: int ledstate = high;         // current state of output pin int buttonstate;             // current reading input pin int lastbuttons...

Where is the printer spool file on my Mac ?

i have mac pro 10.5.2 - , print 3 large epson printers. i had print started print (photoshop cs3)- , saw not wanted. canceled print in epson icon (on dock) - , shut down printer , reset it. but, when turned printer on, print started again. where file holds prints - printer que or printer spool file - on mac? i have looked everywhere, , cannot find such folder anywhere. know is?? i used cups tool to rid of it, still know file kept. dick More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Change max value of potentiometer

hello everyone! i'd know if there function or way define min , max value potentiometer, example: i'm using mechanical part tour potentiometer little bit, means potentiometer doesn't start in beginning , doesn't finish in end. so, how can make space potentiometer tour means 0 255 start end, respectively? simple answer map() example map function Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Change max value of potentiometer arduino

Pi3 Raspbian : Start with a menu (with buttons) & Interrupt & background prog - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi! all. i'm new raspberry old on vb6, asm, , industrial computer , general electronic. i'd know guidelines 4 things. i'm on raspberry pi3 (raspbian 28-08-2017 7in lcd touch) 1: start raspberry (by himself) menu having buttons call scripts or programs. when click on button on lcd touch, end scrip or prog, return menu page. 2: in 1 of script need have interrupt cause external timer or external sensors read data. 3: need know have scrip or prog running in background @ interval. (could fetch data i2c, update clock , switch pushed, etc). 4: best choice graphic menu nice buttons , text. help. may helpful others too. python seems choice of language, because of kivy ( ) should work creating fullscreen gui touch screen. python have enough support other things need do, description general me give exact pointers. during work learn how run python scripts separate processes, and/or use threads achieve want. raspberrypi

Tapparelle blocco pressione tasto

ciao ragazzi ho scritto una parte di codice che mi permette di mandare su e giù le tapparelle di casa impostando per ognuna di esse un tempo di salita e di discesa. come posso però bloccare la salita o la discesa premendo uno dei due tasti, se li ripremo mentre il motore sta andando? vi incollo il pezzo di codice code: [select]       {         if(digitalvals[i] == 0 && relayvals[i] != 0 && relayvals[i+1] == 1){           relaytimes[i] = 0;           digitalwrite(outputs[i], 0);           relayvals[i] = 0;         }         break;       } grazie tutti forse dandoci tutto lo sketch. ciao uwe Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Software (Moderator: leo7...

Arduino contare distanze

ciao tutti, mi sono appena iscritto al forum proprio perchè ho bisogno del vostro aiuto. a settembre parteciperò ad una fiera con la scuola, faccio un geometri, lavoriamo su modellazione 3d e stampe 3d. dobbiamo portare termine un progetto finanziato dalla coop, da cui sarà poi anche venduto. si tratta di una specie di ruota metrica da geometra ma elettronica ovviamente, ma anche molto piû piccola, con cui si potrà misurare qualsiasi tipo di superfice, lisca curva, perimetri, distanze e chi piu ne ha piu ne metta. avendo uno spazio limitato avevamo pensato di inserire un arduino nano, collegato ad un encoder collegato sua volta due ruote. il perimetro della ruota vale x. il mio obiettivo è far comparire la distanza percorsa dalle ruote, su uno schermo lcd. almeno da come mi sono informato su internet penso possa andare bene, non ho troppe competenze in materia, quindi vi chiedo aiuto. funzionerebbe secondo voi? la parte software sarebbe complicata? grazie chi saprà aiutarmi, ...

Thread: With what can my linux box receives SMS from my gsm mobile?

hello, command linux box running sms. there way such things? thank you, y. this summer, wanted have sms-blog our travels. dude german hitchhike community had coded 1 ( ) , kind let use it. you'd need cell phone working sim (prepaid it) , usb connection. pulling sms phone in regular intervals - ain't got idea how did it. if you're interested , think capable enough grasp code, contact mrtweek of Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] With what can my linux box receives SMS from my gsm mobile? Ubuntu

حل لمشكلة الطرد في جملة 1.0.13 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

[rtl] مستخدمو 1.0.13 بعرفونها وبعضهم عانى منها بعني حضرتك تدخل إلي لوحة التحكم وبعد قليل تطرد شر طردة مطورو البرامج وضعوا حلا لهذه المشكلة الحمد لله لكن يجب عليك قراءة المداخلة جيدا أخذ تسخة إحتياطية قبل أي شيء,200725.0.html ولا تحمل هما فالجملة! من حق المستخدم  [/rtl] السلام عليكم يا أخي جابتلي الجنان عملية الطرد إلى درجة أنني حذفت جميع الإضافات التي أستخدمها ظنناً مني بأنها هي السبب شكراً جزيلاً على التوضيح Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Arabic Forum جوملا! 1.0 لوحة التحكم

Question on MPU6050

hi, i tried use mpu6050 motion detection. when setup device , use jeff's library, there offset(acceleration x,y,z , gryo x,y,z) need set each mpu6050. i tried value comes library, tried auto calibration code , tried random numbers, of them give me same number world acceleration value. little confused: offset matter? another thing world acceleration. understanding, if don't move device, x, y, z value of world acceleration should close 0. value got when put device flat( chip face up). however, when turn device vertical, got error on z value, constant error around 800, , error affected angle of device. guessing compensation of gravity not absolutely accurate. how can adjust it? any other device recommended world acceleration? thanks quote from: catccaatt on jul 04, 2016, 07:47 am for understanding, if don't move device, x, y, z value of world acceleration should close 0. no. accelerometers measure force, not acceleration. therefore, if device sit...

Cap Sense and proximity

i'm working on art installation project. have large antenna , trying use capacitive sense detect movement within space - can help? i'm getting readings - using cap sense library 20mohm resistor - when foil loop attached touched - i'm hoping able extend sensitivity of sketch detect proximity can't seem find way. i test different metals i.e. steel - copper - aluminium - settle 1 generates best data _ appreciated! Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > Cap Sense and proximity arduino

Thread: Floppy not working 9.10

my internal floppy doesn't work in ubuntu 9.10 64bit. work in xp. read problem other people have too? can fix? use floppy old sonny camera. 1 known if usb floppy work? johnny3 gainesville, fl yes, there bug: similar problem? don't know of fix except staying 9.04. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] Floppy not working 9.10 Ubuntu

IE6 vs. other browsers - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello... i'm newbie... , want know why i'm encountering error other browsers in viewing site... i'm using ie6... can check site... ... please me... dunno wat do.... , god bless... hi, welcome wonderful world of browser compatibility, known figment of our imagination. or, in other words: site might nice in 1 browser might horrible in other browser. what advised develop website browser internet explorer, because speaking other browsers ie show website comparably same, , when finished, add changes ie browsers can view website intended. michel Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

how to draw a flowchart for showSpectrum & showRGB

how draw flowchart showspectrum & showrgb can show me start before can contiune void showspectrum() {   int x;     for(x = 0; x < 768; x++)   {     showrgb(x);     delay(10);   } }    void showrgb(int color) {   int redintensity;   int greenintensity;   int blueintensity;     if (color <= 255) // zone 1   {     redintensity = 255 - color; // redgoes on off     greenintensity = color;    //  green goes fromoff on     blueintensity = 0;         //  blue off   }    else if (color <= 511) //zone 2   {     redintensity = 0;                     // red off     greenintensity = 255 - (color - 256); // green on off     blueintensity = (color - 256);        // blue off on   }   else /...

Thread: ttf-mscorefonts-installer always running? Maybe? Only one software management tool?

i'm very, very, new linux. installed other day, sort of thumbing through "ubuntu non-geeks" book. i'm trying install programs pidgin because don't empathy, , keep getting "only 1 software management tool may run @ time" looked around on forums, tried , typed killall dpkg terminal. came "no packages killed" tried sudo dpkg --configure -a , started going nuts ttf-mscorefonts-installer , couldn't resolve domain or something??? noticed hangs updates , has been making mess since added restricted extras trying flash support (still no dice there either) went here , typed sudo apt-get remove ttf-mscorefonts-installer doesn't work get e: not lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: resource temporarily unavailable) e: unable lock administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), process using it...

Configuring the PI Zero to use the USB as an ethernet interface. - Raspberry Pi Forums

i received pi zero. don't have serial nor display+keyboard console. downloaded full raspbian disk image. if wait long enough dhcp requests time out on both mac , pi zero, pi 0 seems self allocate address , when ping: $ ping raspberrypi.local ping raspberrypi.local ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.404 ms when try ssh $ ssh raspberrypi.local ssh: connect host raspberrypi.local port 22: connection refused , telnet gives different diagnostic. $ telnet raspberrypi.local trying fe80::3366:ca5d:2345:6746... telnet: connect address fe80::3366:ca5d:2345:6746: connection refused trying telnet: connect address connection refused telnet: unable connect remote host there in 'config.txt' file needs set ssh/telnet enabled. or have find ext4 file system package mac mount linux fs , manipulate usual config files there? pull sdcard, create file called ssh or ssh.txt on root of /boot parti...

Algum módulo para isso? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

olá !!! estou dando os primeiros passos em joomla caindo aqui, se equilibrando ali e vo indo. pouco pouco vou descobrindo coisas. preciso fazer um site em joomla que na sua home tenha uma quantidade de links bem grandes com o menu esquerda! isso já consegui resolver. gostaria de saber se existe algum módulo que ajude cadastrar uma enorme quantidade de empresas e lojas. contendo fotos dados estes dados penso que devem estar separados por meio de tabelas que irão facilitar! por exemplo campo de telefone endereço bairro e-mail e etc. link para o site da empresa. seria na verdade um mini guia daqui da minha cidade. teria categorias de empresas esquerda da tela que ao passar o mouse o user consegue ver subcategorias e sendo assim clicar. fiz um esboço de como seria veja: o meu pensamento é que preciso de um modelo padrão de página para então este modelo ser repetido tendo assim uma estrutura base simplificando o processo de inserção...

Removing Adobe Gamma

i have installed spyder 3 pro on pc , couldnt find uninstall adobe gamma. pc running xp pro (32 bit sp3) , have cs4 , cs2 installed. to remove adobe gamma took following steps after had installed spyder software before calibrating: 1. removed shortcuts adobe gamma , adobe gamma loader start-up folder. 2. removed adobe gamma loader.exe , adobe gamma.cpl folder c:\program files\common files\adobe\calibration. there didnt appear remove feature in control panel, gamma control panel doesnt appear in control panel , pc reboots without errors. was correct procedure or there better way it? >was correct procedure or there better way it? just removing loader startup have been fine. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Problems Unistalling The Photshop CS4 Trial Version

running microsoft windows xp. when attempted uninstall trial version of cs4 using windows add/remove programs, received error message said not uninstall because adobe bridge running. not, restarted computer anyhow . . . same problem. called tech support (i knew better)to see had , suggested try forums, here am. have suggestions? not cs4. rather upgrade cs3 , call enough. know how can cs3 . . . not want risk ebay, after reading negative posts!! thank you. you may not see bridge on screen running in background nevertheless. in task manager under "processes" bridge entry , if it's there kill it. try add/remove programs again. cs3 getting hard find. right wary of ebay i'm afraid you'll have hunt out. bricks , mortar stores may more fruitful on-line vendors. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Thread: does vsftpd timeout if you're downloading?

i've got monstrous download queued through vsftpd server @ house moved out of. it's going take night finish downloading, don't want timeout in process. i've found entries in vsftpd.conf sound promising, need know if ftp session eligible timeout if downloading. tl;dr: if start downloading eleventy bajillion gb of data through vsftpd, walk away computer, download finish? i'm continuing post sake of other future network administrators. in situation logged offsite ftp server using filezilla client. started transfer , left computer idle hour or so. transfer continued, when came computer , tried change directories, filezilla informed me connection had been reset. resent login credentials , proceeded folder change, that's irrelevant. if start long download offsite ftp server, can safely walk away computer. session end, download continue. Forum ...

aplay issues - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have pi 3 b running stretch . have installed on pi2 google assistant . trying repeat exercise on new pi 3 , having audio issues if execute speaker-test -t wav fine , can hear out put via selected speaker if following arecord --format=s16_le --duration=5 --rate=16000 --file-type=raw out.raw file created ok when execute aplay --format=s16_le --rate=16000 out.raw no sound via selected speakers looks fine when execute arecord -l , aplay -l settings via alsamixer playback , capture. have per project notes edited /.asoundrc file reflect hardware configuration have usb headphones , speakers , usb mic test above thoughts appreciated raspberrypi

Pi 3 Won't connect to Windows 8 laptop even after many tutorials - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, can't seem connect pi 3 laptop via ethernet??? 1.i can see 2 ip address via ip scanner pi 2. have sharing enabled in sharing center wifi in properties 3. entered ip address ethernet connection in windows found using ipconfig , entered box in windows ethernet properties 4. used mobaxterm ssh connection , have empty ssh file on sd card 5. tried using putty in tutorial out mobaxterm 6. wont connect or recognize pi 7. know works connected tv @ home via hdmi cable suggestions trying supposed work? thanks! raspberrypi

Thread: Trying to set up home server.

i trying set small home server tutorial: did guided, can access server local host. using dyndns on speedtouch router. have forwarded relevant ports on router? standard ports 22 ssh 21 ftp , 5900 vnc if have desktop installed? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] Trying to set up home server. Ubuntu

Thread: simulated keystrokes to window

hello, wrote simple shell script sending simulated keystrokes windows. use vkbd witch -text , -window. , problem is working on focused window. need work on else , have small window in corner keystrokes in time interval. there posibility how set xvkbd work in "background" or need else application work? ideas? thank much.. (sorry english) posted nesro is there posibility how set xvkbd work in "background" or need else application work? ideas? xdotool select titled window, gain focus , send keystrokes it. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] simulated keystrokes to window Ubuntu

Measuring Voltage on a Positive Ground System

i have solar setup positive common ground. use nano measure voltage panels , batteries... problem nano powered system. since nano uses negative ground reference, can't figure way use single uc read both voltages. can 1 side or other using simple voltage divider, because negative rails @ different potentials, believe reading side opposite of nano supply not accurate. any ideas? quote from: inphase277 on jul 29, 2016, 11:57 pm i have solar setup positive common ground. no don't. have common positive system. ground has nothing , reference of measuring. , think define voltages positive ground not there one thing connect arduino side highest voltage. via resistor divider can measure voltage there (let's call v1). , connect negative of other side (which not arduino gnd) arduino analog (probably via voltage divider well), let's call v2. the voltage on other side v1 - v2. if can't connect arduino highest voltage things become bit more complica...

Getting started with zero experience

i don't have experience or teach me. far, advanced thing i've done uno make button turn led on , off, , tutorial. read seems assume have sort of prior knowledge , don't have any. are there books people me? i don't think book best way learn stuff. recommend hands-on trial , error process. start blink sketch(file > examples > 01.basics > blink). go through sketch line line , make sure understand does. if there's don't understand on google , start searching until do. arduino reference page has lot of information don't limit one. you're going find bad information mixed in valuable lesson in itself. don't blindly believe read, whether on forum or in book. need develop ability search information efficiently , critically evaluate results. @ first may slower process reading book progress in explorations internet searches inevitably become primary source of information might use start. next, use understanding of blink ...

Hide application and can't bring it back

please excuse me if issue has been covered before, i'm having problem when hide photoshop cs3 in 10.4.10. if choose hide application, there times when can't bring application foreground again. i've tried various techniques bring application up: command tabbing, clicking icon in dock, clicking .app itself. nothing force quit work frustrating when have document hasn't been saved. many times, seems happens while document i'm trying save in process of saving , hide ps. has else experienced this? this happens me time. happened in photoshop cs2 in tiger, in photoshop cs3 in tiger, , cs3 in leopard well. no matter how careful still lose unsaved work in ps at-least twice week because of it. it's driving me nuts. you aren't alone. have ideas how un-hide app after it's gone away this? i've gone far quit every other running app, , force quit finder, figuring if photoshop thing running, come foreground. no such luck. indesign has similar problems, since ind...

error: ld returned 1 exit statuscollect2.exe

occasionally, 1 error message , many warnings. the error message utterly useless: "error      error: ld returned 1 exit status      collect2.exe" the verbose build output attached.  my code huge, not going waste (or my) time trying attach it. instead, want understand: 1) causes message? 2) how diagnose cause? i.e. me understand cause? 3) how fix problem? quote 1) causes message? errors in code. quote 2) how diagnose cause? do not ignore messages come before last 1 (that show). quote i.e. me understand cause? the messages come before one. quote 3) how fix problem? fix errors precede it. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > error: ld returned 1 exit statuscollect2.exe arduino

GPIO pin as input on one program while output on another? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i've got program doing pretty important gpio stuff pretty reliably (c++ wiringpi). i'd add monitor program - preferably without touching existing program - can read , display out state of of inputs , outputs in real time (i think there 8 or 9 of each). if control program runs 24/7, , start monitor program tries set pins inputs polling, break output functions of control program? there way read these pins states command line or system() (reading right register or something) , have variables available c++ program? you don't need change mode. can quite happily read level of gpio set output. of course library use might impose own restrictions. pigpio doesn't. use view gpio or ... monitor_py show level changes on terminal. raspberrypi

Controlling/Connecting Multiple Components with Arduino Uno

hi, wondering if connect , control 2 micro servos, , 2 pir sensors directly arduino uno without use of breadboard. how if there 1 5v pin on board. not sure if simple or complicated question great. thanks sure, add screwshield provides more connection points. Arduino Forum > Topics > Robotics (Moderator: fabioc84) > Controlling/Connecting Multiple Components with Arduino Uno arduino

change file format in save as dialog

when 'save as' in photoshop cs4 change psd jpeg, extension not change. example: original file- 123.psd, save-as 123.jpeg. instead of adding .jpeg, cs4 adds word 'copy' in file name , keeps .psd. if try open file again, ps says not supported format , until manually change extension jpg. any ideas? thanks im on mac pro dual 2.66 running os 10.5.6 might have set »append file extension« »never« in preferences - file handling chance? More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Thread: Wireless Card

i installed ubuntu 9.10 on dell inspiron 1720 , works fine. when update manager loads of upgrades finds, wireless card not found , not working. wireless card gigabyte b & g & n variety. works great 9.10 install when update manager thing, doesn't work. wireless icon on task bar @ upper right not shown. things newbie check on this? right have installed 9.10 , turned update manager off don't run problem again. michael Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Wireless Card Ubuntu

Saving Large files 2+GB ?

working on panoramic 1.5gb adjustment layers still says it's 2.5gb, every time try , save tiff message on 4gb , can't saved tiff. ideas what's going on here? plenty of hard drive space & ram, using 10.5.5 cs 3 thanks insights. jeff the composite image tiff adds file size. and options chose when saving tiff affect file size. and document size in memory doesn't relate directly file size. if says on 4 gig, on 4 gig. if warns "might be" on 4 gig, that's estimation - might or might not when done. More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe


hola tengo un problema en la programación con los tiempos de arduino. necesito hacer una situacion de tiempos simultáneos, donde pueda encender o activar una valvula durante un tiempo, y dentro de ese tiempo se me active una válvula antiretorno. el otro problema es que luego de que mi programa hace varios accionamientos se detiene el programa y se desconfigura totalmente, para que vuelva arrancar hay que resetear y arranca en estado inicial. este es parte del programa: void setup() {  pinmode(val1,output);  pinmode(val2,output);  pinmode(val3,output);  pinmode(val4,output);  pinmode(val5,output);  pinmode(buttonpin ,input); //  attachinterrupt(0,contar,falling);  pinmode(buttonpin1 ,input);     } void loop(){ estadoboton =digitalread (buttonpin); estadoboton1 =digitalread (buttonpin1);   if (estadoboton  != estadobotonanterior && estadoboton1  != estadobotonanterior1){ if (antirebote (buttonpin)&&...

Cannot get interrupts working

i have been trying create program awakens board low power state.  there lot written subject not implement because not interrupts work properly. i tried copying , pasting simple blinking led light interrupt program on arduino site found not work either. i wrote simple program triggers arduino go in , out of low power mode when button pushed. can arduino enter sleep mode can not awaken interrupt. code: [select] #include <keypad.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> const byte rows = 4; //four rows const byte cols = 3; //three columns char keys[rows][cols] = {   {'1', '2', '3'},   {'4', '5', '6'},   {'7', '8', '9'},   {'*', '0', '#'} }; byte rowpins[rows] = {8, 7, 6, 5}; //connect row pinouts of keypad byte colpins[cols] = {4, 3, 2}; //connect column pinouts of keypad keypad keypad = keypad( makekeymap(keys), rowpins, colpins, rows, cols ); void setup() { ...

Thread: Blank Screen on Startup.

hi, have toshiba satellite a355-s6935(core 2 duo t6400, 4gb sdram, ati mobility radeon hd 3650 512mb video ram.) have been long time ubuntu user, got laptop , install 9.10 on everytime try boot ubuntu hangs on black/blank screen. ideas this? thanks. someone figured out how work. need add "pci=use_crs" kernel boot options , seems fix it. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Blank Screen on Startup. Ubuntu

Pagina categorie in Virtuemart - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ragazzi, se collegate il componente vm al menu appare una pagina che si chiama "categories". a me compaiono 6 categorie (quelle create) e la prima riga ne contiene 4. fin qui tutto bene. la seconda riga, con 2 categorie, e' assolutamente troppo in alto, e risulta appiccicata alla prima riga. come faccio distanziarla? ho cercato anche sul forum di vm ma non ho trovato nulla. grazie per l'aiuto  Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Italian Forum Componenti - Moduli - Plugins

Control motor with Arduino, feasibility ?

hello everyone, i begin new project i'm not sure feasibility. that's why need help.. the first objective controll motor (220v) simple interface (pc or mobile), using uno (or other if needed).. there's system, motor linked frequency variator ( mitsubishi fr-d700-sc ). , variator controlled akerstroms radio command system. woul'd able, without interfering actual system, control motor. is best solution cable arduino variator or akerstroms receiver ? , have link things directly ? i'm novice in , need advices.. if explain principe , feasibility of this.. thank kindness. what "frequency variator"? how control motor? what motor do? what "akerstroms radio command system"? what want motor not now? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Control motor with Arduino, feasibility ? ...

Echo stops responding intermitently - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, had installed amazon echo (alexa) on raspberry pi3 , after connecting (mic, speaker, internet) switched on device. when said wake work (alexa), responded couple of times. after that, stopped responding. not sure happened. after rebooting device, checking terminal if alexapi services running or not, checking mic, re-checking speaker - turns out okay. still responds once or twice before giving on me. not sure going wrong here. has idea on how troubleshoot this? help, always, highly appreciated. thanks, k i extremely similar issue bluetooth speaker have paired pi3. works briefly, drop out , cannot reconnect. raspberrypi

[Help] Voltage Bluetootg Monitor Project for Electric Skateboard

hi, relatively new arduino, , know basic code. wanted create new project me learn bit , make useful. the objective- want view voltage lipo or liion battery 60v , wirelessly transmit data controller. on controller either want led's tell me how battery left, or oled percentage display. how think can done- need monitor voltage somehow, preferably through balance leads. there ready voltage monitors plug onto balance leads on lipo or liion like  this one . 8s , 12s (if possible) how output readings wirelessly (bluetooth) receiver in controller, , interpret reading either led indicators or , oled / lcd screen. thanks help! appreciated! i'd think can use 2 voltage monitors, lower , upper half of battery. i'm not sure whether such monitors measure voltage of cells in parallel or in series. how want load battery - doesn't device come right number of cell monitors? why 60v @ all? such voltage possibly harmful. ...

Bitwise operations - very unexpected results on Arduino.

why code have different result when run on arduino, when run on pc? code: [select] serial.println((0<<24 | 18<<16 | 176<<8 | 83)); expected result (on pc): 1224787 unexpected result (on arduino): -20397 i tried think of including casing every single value unsigned integers, casting result unsigned integer, using variables , many more things forgot... nothing worked. so questions are: why happening? how can expected result on arduino? cast them uint32_t. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Bitwise operations - very unexpected results on Arduino. arduino

Photoshop CS4 - new report, old problems

hi there, although have posted many of following problems in thread, recall them here, because other thread has gone off-topic. i have been "using" photoshop cs4 came part of production suite premium package long out , have say, me worst release ever. i work photoshop since version 3 , every new release has had it's flaws fixed after while. hope might case cs4. so here system specs again: intel dualcore e8600 nvidia geforce 9800 gx2 (driver: 180.48) msi p35 neo-2 motherboard (bios: 1.90) 3 gb ram wacom intuos 3 a4 (driver: pro610-5) windows xp (service pack 3) the system brandnew, windows-installation fresh, before cs4 suite there has not been adobe-program on machine. while quiet happy other programs (illustrator, flash, after effects..even bridge starting become useful), photoshop cs4 shows several glitches , problems on system. these are: - if activated, gpu-opengl setting deactivates randomly. there's no obvious reason this, in middle of work, rotate canva...

Parameters for layouts - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

for every layout there can set of parameters defined in [layout_name].xml file. there documentation configuration file? values stored? how can access them? when i'm creating menu item 'category blog layout' can choose category i'm referring ('parameters - basic' section). can create similar select item components? i think joomla! 1.5 needs good, complete , nontrivial tutorial new component developers. i've found simple , doesn't cover aspects of matter. ok. i've found (blind fool):, ... arameters/ i have created jelement class component. need inform joomla! find it. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! Coding 101 Joombie Coding Q/A

GPS to make speed limit

i planning build electric go-kart grand children, (check thread) (sorry in swedish) but 5 years old want limit speed in way adjustable better drivers daddy can increase maximum speed. my idea use gps-module on arduino uno , use speed parameter (if internet survey right) directly module not have clue on how find signal in sketch. this not first arduino adventure. i have made simple sketches before book "franzis arduino tutorial kit manual". i have working arduino uno in car reads lambda signal , converts various light in rgb-diode. 2 lambdas lights blue , green part of diode, red used purpose. jörgen i wonder if easier put detector on drive shaft , control max rpm of wheels. think give more immediate feedback gps. a simple reflective optical detector , few spots of white paint on drive shaft may sufficient - 4 pulses per revolution? ...r ...