
Showing posts from April, 2011

Problem opening files in CS3

i having real issue photoshop cs3 when go file open window. windows small , truncated. can scroll down some, cannot see bottom. here link screen capture: i have dell t7400 dual quad core system 64-bit windows vista sp1, , 8 gigs of ram. video card nvidia quadro fx1700 , have drivers updated. have 24" dell monitor running @ 1900x1200. this has been issue, not new. it's driving me crazy. appreciated. gary, i know vista uses directx 10. uses 9c too. have updated 9c? there 2008 c++ runtime update. also may have looked there dell software loaded may causing conflict? More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Questions on programming/using Photoelectric sensor

hello all! making automated can crusher , using "atc" photoelectric sensor 10-30v dc sensor using 12v power supply power both sensor , arduino. question have advice make program work properly? want sensor tell when can present , activate program. have program setup without sensor or switch period. curious on best way go using start program? have searched through forum see how go doing , couldn't quite find suit application. figured best forum considering amount of experienced users arduinos. advice or ideas appreciated! hello, the project sound pretty basic me. need periodically turn light beam on, test if being received @ sensor. if is, there no can , nothing needs done. if light beam not detected, there can start crushing. need step x times in 1 direction , x times in other direction. when done, use delay , wait second or 2 before testing again can... once far, consider removing delay , using sleep mode instead. ...

What is the best api to play audio files? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, coding basic remote controlled robot , have little problem. need play audio files , after few researches, found ways don't know best. files's format mp3 or ogg. possible have little advice, please? cordially. the convenient 1 once posted here somewhere else, goes like code: select all #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; void playsound(std::string filename){ system( ("aplay " + filename).c_str() ); } // ... playsound("m1.wav"); raspberrypi

Good tft cap touch display and library suggestions

one of first things want work on reused in later projects getting working display on touch screen numeric keypad changing set points. i'm 3.5 7" touchscreen easy connect teensy known work well. pointers code on screen keypad example welcome. down line want use these multi unit battery capacity checker , maybe control home brew power supply. in thinking may work on t3.6 uno adaptor if can't find one. want 1 bring out not pins required uno layout extras ones. i'm still considering how best have best of both plug , play uno , lots of pins work with. tags: toyota altis 2016 , xe tải dongben , toyota camry 2016 on-board chip drive disolay. reports work great uno, wide range 2.4" 7 inch Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Good tft cap touch display and l...

Share My Screen - Crash - Blue Screen of Death

i have used "share screen" meeting feature few times on machine. slick. was going meeting today client , gave me blue screen of death crash , forced restart. after did 3 times gave up. windows xp home 2002 sp3 photoshopcs4 extended cs4 production premium radeon x300 se 128mb hypermemory intel pentium (r) cpu 3.00 ghz 2.99 ghz 2.50 gb ram any ideas? 'm not sure product talking about? maybe contribute? More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Convertisseur 220 V à 5V => HLK-PM01

bonjour, je souhaiterais convertir du 220v en 5v pour pouvoir alimenter directement mes montages. au début je suis partis dans l'hypothèse de démonter un chargeur de téléphone pour récupérer le circuit, comme la plupart le font. mais en effectuant des recherches je suis tomber sur un composant intérrésant, le hlk-pm01. je souhaiterais savoir si vous avez déjà utilisé ce composant et si celui-ci est fiable pour l'utiliser directement pour alimenter mon arduino ou microcontrôleur. d'après cette discussion ( ) celui-ci semble de bonne qualité. qu'en pensez-vous? merci, d'avance oui c'est un bon composant, durable, à la norme ce (attention de ne pas acheter des faux) cependant je pense que c'est super dangereux d'avoir du 220v qui rentre sur des petits bricolages.... mettez plutôt un "usb female breakout board" (cherchez sur ebay - en achat en ...

HC-SR04 : lettura infinita

buongiorno tutti! volevo porvi alcuni quesiti: -il codice che posterò controlla una base mobile (4 ruote) -effettua ad ogni comando una lettura di distanza con un hc-sr04 la mia domanda è: riesco fargli leggere la distanza con l'ostacolo ogni secondo per esempio? questo è il mio codice: code: [select] #include <newping.h> #include <afmotor.h> #include <servo.h> #include <softwareserial.h> #define pingpin a0 newping sonar(pingpin,pingpin); const int speed = 20; //velocità in % #define rx 15  //a1 #define tx 16 //a2 #define led 17 //a3 #define fotor 18//a4 int data; int data2; servo servo; af_dcmotor motor_left_front(4,motor34_1khz); af_dcmotor motor_right_front(3,motor34_1khz); af_dcmotor motor_left_rear(1,motor12_1khz); af_dcmotor motor_right_rear(2,motor12_1khz); softwareserial btserial(rx,tx); void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   btserial.begin(9600);   servo.attach(9);   servo.write(45);   pinmode(led,output); ...

Arduino forum FAQ?

i originaly started idea in this thread . what idea of creating faq reference forum? way provide detailed answers commonly asked questions, such "blink without delay". main details in other thread, gurus think? have collaboration, think. ~travis i had in mind move reply #5 other thread here declutter it. regarding faq idea nick gammon has created useful links thread. don't know benefit bother read it. ...r Arduino Forum > General Category > General Discussion (Moderators: mbanzi, DojoDave, mellis) > Arduino forum FAQ? arduino

Dubbi su alimentazione con powerbank

buongiorno tutti! mi chiamo stefano, consulente informatico e all'occorrenza tuttofare, insomma, dove passa corrente lo zampino tocca metterlo!  sto sviluppando un progetto già trattato in questo topic: quindi: due barriere con fotocellule (le classiche da cancello automatico) collegate ad un nano con modulo nrf24l01 che trasmetteranno relativamente uno start ed uno stop ad un ricevitore uno con display 16x2 e modulo nrf24l01, tre pulsanti (start stop reset) e buzzer attivato sia dalla pressione dei pulsanti sia dalla ricezione del dato. il problema alimentazione per il ricevente, facendo alcuni test, sembra si riesca ad alimentare il tutto con un powerbank (effettuando una piccola modifica per evitare che si spenga) per quanto riguarda invece trasmettitori ho il problema dei 12v necessari far funzionare le fotocellule. inizialmente mi sono venute in mente due opzioni seguendo il progetto del topic citato: 1_utilizzare...

marquee help

hello everyone, going through tutorials came redboard , need little help. i'm trying make 2 led's light off in order , reverse order don't understand how incorporate 2 "if" statements. i tried calling 1 statement "marquee" , second "marquee2" in "void loop();" section..but maybe i'm doing wrong? thanks everyone! please post code correctly, paste between statements pop when press </> icon because mobile devices can't cope .ino file. the function called loop not void loop. void means returns no value. you incorporate 2 statements in if using either && , operation or || or operation. && means both statements have true if true , || either statement has true if true. more specific whe. can see code. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > ...

URL to a uploaded document - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

how find url uploaded document i.e pdf in joomla can link to.  create category of documents customers download pdf. please treat newbie joomla. details please. have can me when stuck. have downloaded docman , jw media manager no comprehend.... hd2500 wrote: how find url uploaded document i.e pdf in joomla can link to.  create category of documents customers download pdf. please treat newbie joomla. details please. have can me when stuck. have downloaded docman , jw media manager no comprehend.... i believe have create manu link "media" , select file. tim Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Problem with Arrange Documents

this feature works , doesn't. instance opened 2 photos , tried use arrange docs clicking on side side choice. nothing happens. tried several times. then hit f 3 times cycle through , normal view. tried arrange docs side side once again , worked. shut down ps cs4 , opened again , brought in same 2 pictures , arrange worked right away. but know fail again has on many occasions in last few days. can't predict when work. my video card not support gpu. it's invidia gsx5500. reason? rob no. these issues occur on other systems well. however, there no clear way reproduce this, never got resolved during testing. i've had happen number of times. in cases seems depend on how long program has been used without switching layouts , possibly whether e.g. adjustment panel has been used multiple times during session. said - sporadic , seems arbitrary. i'd keep watching , when encounter situation makes sense, write note on bug report form ( ). myle...

CS4 OpenGL didn't work with ATI Raedon HD 2600 on a HP Compaq 8510p

so, had terrible time solving issue photoshop cs4 not run hp compaq. graphics card not update latest driver because hadn't gone through hp's system. if tried install display driver ati (8.10), wouldn't work. and, latest driver version hp (8.4?) wasn't working. so, after hour each adobe's, ati's, , hp's techsupport found link here: 24791891198+28353475&threadid=1191390 long story short, mobility modders let me update lastest display driver , cs4 works. i'm posting here in hopes helps else. direct link: reply post if works you. make sure follow directions on website. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Thread: hddtemp daemon not running

karmic 9.10 64bit. installed required tools: hddtemp, lm sensors, gnome sensors applet temp monitoring. hddtemp works: ~$ sudo hddtemp /dev/sda /dev/sda: samsung he103uj: 32°c when start sensors applet hddtemp sensors not available there (i have nvidia , cpu/mb detected). guess it's because no hddtemp daemon running. how can make work , start automatically? used work out of box on previous build. after reinstalled (os) scratch it's different (but hardware same). i'd avoid going /etc/init.d if possible. thanks. posted lukas666 karmic 9.10 64bit. installed required tools: hddtemp, lm sensors, gnome sensors applet temp monitoring. hddtemp works: ~$ sudo hddtemp /dev/sda /dev/sda: samsung he103uj: 32°c when start sensors applet hddtemp sensors not available there (i have nvidia , cpu/mb detected). guess it's because no hd...


hi, i have arduino-uno ide. if upload programms ide errormessage: arduino: 1.6.10 (windows 10), board: "arduino/genuino uno" der sketch verwendet 4.088 bytes (12%) des programmspeicherplatzes. das maximum sind 32.256 bytes. globale variablen verwenden 242 bytes (11%) des dynamischen speichers, 1.806 bytes für lokale variablen verbleiben. das maximum sind 2.048 bytes. beim hochladen des sketches ist ein fehler aufgetreten dieser bericht wäre detaillierter, wenn die option "ausführliche ausgabe während der kompilierung" in datei -> voreinstellungen aktiviert wäre. may me solve problem thx there bug in arduino ide 1.6.10 can cause issue when start ide opening sketch(.ino) file(by double clicking on it, etc.). please try this: close arduino ide windows start arduino ide, not opening sketch file. open sketch file via file > open, file > sketchbook, or file > examples the last opened sketch automatically load when open arduino id...

Cannot resize Raspbian Stretch lite images with Parted - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, spent few hours today setting sept 2017 version of raspbian stretch lite on pi. working 16gb sd card , wanted resize partition smaller before making backup in case needed restore backup smaller sd card. went resize raspbian installation on sd card using gparted (on ubuntu machine) , sd card won't boot in pi !! apparently raspbian images since april 2017 don't work parted... ... -partition has else had problem? apparently fdisk doesn't mess partition parted (gparted) i've read through these links... how shrink ext2/3/4 file system resize2fs --> how resize partition using fdisk --> how grow ext2/3/4 file system resize2fs --> ... , using fdisk whole load of tedious command entering don't need. know why these newer raspbian images don't play ball parted? raspbian os go...

Thread: linkin in eclipse problem

hi trying write simple project using poco c++ lib on eclipse while, , no matter doing there error keep bugging me rum time error. " error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory " using gcc c++ linker , tried in few ways project poco's lib. thing have done in order project , poco lib project-->prefrences-->c++ build-->>setting-->gcc c++ linker 1) in command line entered location.(that didn't work) tried number 2) gcc c++ linker--> libraries in libaries(-l) added pocofoundationd , in library search path(-l) added location. hasn't worked well... please me that! thanks! hi, had same problem week (i think same). go project properties -> settings -> c++ linker -> miscelaneous -> other objects click add, , find lib. hope helps, ...

Hur stänger jag av Register Globals - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hur stänger jag av register global? fick hjälp på huvudforumet.,1030.0.html kortfattat: lägg till php_flag register_globals off   sist htaccess.txt efter det ändra filnamnet till .htaccess och spara (gör detta sist för sen kan filen försvinna, för punkt framför filnamnet blir en osynlig fil iallafall vanliga ftpapp.) sen blev det grönt ljus för mig. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Forum för Joomla! med långtidssupport Forum Joomla! 1.5 Installation, backup och säkerhet

Unreadable File?

i tried open jpeg pictures daughter sent me able view before , got message. not complete request because unknown or invalid jpeg marker type found. here's message received. couldn't open file. may corrupt or file format isn't recognized. tried open ps, preview , got this. could not complete request because unknown or invalid jpeg marker type found. here's message received. couldn't open file. may corrupt or file format isn't recognized. note: use techtool pro regularly , permissions well. either not jpg files or corrupt beyond saving. More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

RC cars: IR 2.4GHZ multi client Lap timer for Arduino

hello, sadly cannot find specific topic posting finished projects, @admins feel free move topic. background: i'm rc-car driver , use temporary race tracks bashing friend. project born: ir 2.4ghz multi client lap timer arduino features: highly transportable ir-tracking lap timer 6 different rc-cars. function description: you need @ least 3 devices: ir-generator pillar: device contains arduino mini generating short ir code. via 3 ir-led's code beamed permanently transponder box within car: arduino nano/mini + ir receiver + nrf24l01 module. if ir signal code recognised (car passing ir pillar) short unique code send via nrf2401 module  to master box. 6 different transponder can used (currently 2 implemented) master box: arduino nano + nrf24l01 module + encoder + display. collecting transponder data generating lap times,… the whole project (code, details, photos) can downloaded here: edit: ...

Thread: mySQL not Starting

i stopped server first time in few months today, setup have apache2, php5 , mysql5 webserver. when restarted server, services started except mysql. after trying number of solutions, tried changing bind-address in /etc/mysql/my.cnf server ip address. had been set @ mysql server start when set @ external ip address rather localhost address ideas how use localhost address in /etc/mysql/my.cnf rather external ip address? have tried changing bind address also, if wanting use instance of mysql elsewhere need comment line out. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] mySQL not Starting Ubuntu

doozy of a question: How would you Select+Serve Components, tabletop size!!

this absolutely mind-bogglingly complex task people able easily.  i don't expect able build anytime soon, i'm curious how done. first, task @ high level "i want 10k resistor!"  you might have in bins, or binders, or baggies, or strewn across desk, or, doesn't matter.  however it's organized, few seconds later have it.  to return it, have pick out , return it. the doozy of question is: "how can system this?" this means 3 parts: 1) catalogue.  the system knows has , doesn't. 2) contain.  the system stores has , doesn't. 3) retrive.  when has requested can retrieve it. 4) serve.  the user can served user has asked for. 5) accept.  it can accept things user. 6) identify.  it can either identify has received user or must ask. 7) catalogue.  it must add catalogue of things has 8 ) store.  it must store has gotten. er, helluva "3 parts". let's keep things simple , see...

Thread: Apache/PHP Error

i installed apache , php using instructions found here: these instructions php should working since got output, when try simple php entry: code: <?php echo “hello world”; ?> i following error on firefox: parse error : syntax error, unexpected t_string, expecting ',' or ';' in /var/www/test.php on line 2 what reason be, , how can fix this? posted kchymet i installed apache , php using instructions found here: these instructions php should working since got output, when try simple php entry: code: <?php echo “hello world”; ?> i following error on firefox: reason be, , how can fix this? replace ” " here fixed version <code...

Painterly Brushes

i received cs4 , once again submit request the ability load brushes multiple colors. love be able use brush natural brush affects oil, charcoal, pencil , perhaps watercolors. why not compete painter? anyways, think it's time add this. yes agree, developing dynamic "painting layers" great addition. allowing interactive smudge type blending on layer. settings 'viscosity' oil type behaviour, , 'transparency blend' watercolour type effects. interactive 'dryness' settings maybe. we've moved open gl, , looking @ people doing in pixel bender already. these single layers feature enabled, simple control click on layer , "convert canvas layer". outdo painter long way. this needless new feature in standard not extended. More discussions in Photoshop Feature Requests (Locked) adobe

Thread: apt-get vs aptitude

ok, have question what's difference between apt-get , aptitude? 1 better other? 1 does's jaunty's add/remove programs utilize? or totally different? , synaptic package manager? it's seems aptitude better, tells how space install going require, , also, several times i've tried install program or package using add/remove interface or apt-get, , program won't work, i'll uninstall , install using aptitude , works great. remember problem soundconverter. also. var/log/apt seems missing, creating directory fix problem, or underlying issue? sometimes it's faster me sudo apt-get install use synaptic or idk that's weird apt-get command not injecting packets correctly.. never had happen me Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Ubuntu, Linux and OS Chat Recurring Discussions apt-get vs aptitude ...

Thread: I have lost track of a router on my home network

i have 2 wireless routers , 1 setup wireless access point, dhcp turned off. cant see in main routers dhcp client table. should pingable?? ran little batch file ping thru adresses on network , did not come up, main router , pc , network printer , 2 laptops. happened it? can use connect wirelessly or if plug in desktop internet works. confused on ping issue. anyway here output nmap, laptops disconnected scott@scott-desktop:~$ nmap -sp starting nmap 5.00 ( ) @ 2009-12-16 14:09 est host (0.00089s latency). host (0.00022s latency). host (0.0063s latency). nmap done: 254 ip addresses (3 hosts up) scanned in 45.42 seconds i figured out few things. went ahead , reset second wireless router. lan set start @, pc plugged in has manually set , can log router. enabling remote access ( works...

Respberry PI2 B V1.1 Memory card holder, ESP8266,ESP32 Development board ? ? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, memory card holder of raspberry pi-2 board not functioning well. after pushing card holder, not locking, pop card holder other function absolutely fine. 1. usb card reader @ usb port can alternative, tried wasnt worked. can other alternative possible ?? 2. additionally can start below provided hardware boards respberry pi 2 b v1.1 ... ge_o02_s00 ... ge_o04_s00 additionally hardware, circuit, tool chain noobs, ubuntu, rtos needed ?? -- thanks. ankur my short term solution problem elastic band hold usd card in place rubber rot out , fail , fit cases problem. long term fix, fixed extension card in place hot-melt adhesive: ... utf8&psc=1 hot-melt not conductive need take care avoid contaminating contacts it. applied @ edge of rpi board , @ metal edge of original card holder. extension card's holder friction fit found on 0 ,

Switch monitor Project

 hello, i'm using adafruit metro mini 328 board.  i'm monitoring status of switch on truck , sending outputs device when switch has been turned on. my issue truck has been giving false "on" , false "off".  think there interference on line i'm monitoring. when switch off must getting voltage spikes causing board think switch has been turned on, once goes away switches off. i've added delay , state detection in , it's helped still doesn't seem solved problem. i'm hoping can check out code , make suggestions improve way i'm doing this. find code attached. in advance @ all! if put every { on line itself, used tools + auto format, , removed of useless white space, code far easier read. you read switch many 3 times, , save "current" state last state. of 3 reads "current" state? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino ...

Thread: Why can't I not install the chromium browser ??

hi, know sound noob question, tried everything? synaptic, apt-cache search, checked /etc/apt/sources.list file right repos,.. anyways, here, why don't see yourself. mo@sciencemachine:~$ sudo apt-get install chromium-browser [sudo] password mo: reading package lists... done building dependency tree reading state information... done e: couldn't find package chromium-browser mo@sciencemachine:~$ check out. towards middle see linux ones. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Why can't I not install the chromium browser ?? Ubuntu

Please help me decode 433Mhz weather sensor WH5029

hello, someone me decipher communication between weather station wh5029 , screen? frequency 433mhz. or better use wh1080 , wh1090? on wh1080 , wh1090 we've found decode. more wh5029. help anyone? thank you. according this link wh5029 supported rflink libary. appears firmware esp8266 modules maybe source code can out? Arduino Forum > Topics > Home Automation and Networked Objects > Please help me decode 433Mhz weather sensor WH5029 arduino

wheezy libc optimisation - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, new forum, although i've had rpi b(-) years now. thinking how breeze new speed `black box'. not skillful in programming nor talented on uelectronics, proud have fitted reset switch board, push button facing through hole of rpi case. have set `turbo' mode time ago, thinking of optimisations. have done coding in assembly on `sinclair ql', powerpc chip, far no knowledge of arm processors here. thinking along these lines. remember `ppc' able commit several instructions in single cycle, through mechanism of pipelining , out of order dispatching. unrolled loops, copy memory blocks 4-6 times faster on same processor speed. remembering `atari st' blitter chip, not use copy graphics, move other memory blocks around. processor in 90% of time copy move data around, hoping speed performance benefit optimising copy move blocks functions possibly in `libc' library, of calls end up. not sure if above make @ sense, might not capable doing optimisations my...

Thread: 9.10 USB not working

i having trouble trying mount usb device in ubuntu 9.10 hear message in /var/log/messages dec 21 10:39:56 gordon-desktop kernel: [ 8137.786975] usb 1-3: configuration #1 chosen 1 choice dec 21 10:39:56 gordon-desktop kernel: [ 8137.795942] scsi8 : scsi emulation usb mass storage devices dec 21 10:40:01 gordon-desktop kernel: [ 8142.799486] scsi 8:0:0:0: direct-access zipp 4gb 8.07 pq: 0 ansi: 2 dec 21 10:40:01 gordon-desktop kernel: [ 8142.833672] sd 8:0:0:0: attached scsi generic sg6 type 0 dec 21 10:40:01 gordon-desktop kernel: [ 8142.846838] sd 8:0:0:0: [sde] 7864320 512-byte logical blocks: (4.02 gb/3.75 gib) dec 21 10:40:01 gordon-desktop kernel: [ 8142.856283] sd 8:0:0:0: [sde] write protect off dec 21 10:40:01 gordon-desktop kernel: [ 8142.873857] sde: sde1 dec 21 10:40:01 gordon-desktop kernel: [ 8143.020388] sd 8:0:0:0: [sde] attached scsi removable disk dec 21 10:40:47 gordon-desktop kernel: [ 8189.305840] usb 1-3: usb disconnect, a...

This purdy Forum - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

evening all, just found software, looks great, i'm bit new apologies if i'm not on clear i have joomla site , smf forum wish use it. realise there's bridge, i'm not wanting joomla site have logins, it's quick way throw news/info site. i'd smf forum work normal, joomla menu above allow quick navigation site. i've tried using wrapper, creates 2 scrollbars, 1 main page , 1 iframe, noticed you've avoided on forum. can tell me how manage this? joomla-smf bridge cure without leaving login system on joomla? thanks bothers replying, i'm entirely baffled the bridge not work 1.0.13 what here have separate installs each of menu items see. (and separate logins forum, extensions, ect.) main own joomla! install. news own joomla! install (i think) help own joomla! install. forum stand-alone smf install (no joomla! here @ all) etc. hope helps. have customized our templates seem seemless. hope answers question. good luck! Board index ...

Photoshop CS4 and save as PDF

is there way make photoshop cs4 save layers in pdf accessible in acrobat, indesign, illustrator? i had ad layout weekly newspaper , when saved pdf photoshop, retained layers long opened in photoshop not in other programs. in desperation, opened file in illustrator , saved , layers there in acrobat , illustrator of course not indesign. have indesign cs2 part of cs2 suite, can't upgrade cs4 unless purchase full version. ads, investing money , time in indesign doesn't seem cost effective solution. any thoughts? no. can save psd who's layers work in illustrator , indesign. the problem acrobat, indesign , illustrator use different transparency/compositing model photoshop , video apps use. appearance can't preserved. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Optocoupler & MOSFET for ~75W heater at 12VDC

hello , taking time possibly me. i need build device switch 75w of 12 vdc power arduino. want switching isolated arduino. after research came across posting. i planning on turning electric heater on/off. keep option open pwm may not necessary (more nice have). power source 12v battery (so max of ~14.8vdc). heater rated ~70w. when in use, heater remain on hours. the parts planning on using are: ic1 - pc817 optocoupler t1 - irl40b209 n-channel mosfet d1 - rl204 d2 - 1n524 zener r1 - 330 ohm r2/r3 - 2k2 ohm cheaper parts may available more interested in availability , having works saving money. if possible, may want use pwm on pin 3, default frequency of 500hz. i adapted schematic above internet link. have attached jpg file post.   the diodes not needed heater have decided include them circuit compatible other things. if ever right, don't want have start on again. the irl40b209 has...

Thread: Opening a .run file

hey guys, sorry if in wrong section i'm new forums , linux, , i'm gonna kill myself if dont help. after downloading drivers linux recomended 9500gt , rebooting got message saying there problem choice run in low graphics 1 off. downloaded new drivers linux off nvidia website came .run file , keeps opening in gedit. after 30-40 minutes of googling how open run file gave up. please help! thanks, mark posted marksman09 hey guys, sorry if in wrong section i'm new forums , linux, , i'm gonna kill myself if dont help. after downloading drivers linux recomended 9500gt , rebooting got message saying there problem choice run in low graphics 1 off. downloaded new drivers linux off nvidia website came .run file , keeps opening in gedit. after 30-40 minutes of googling how open run file gave up. please help! thanks, mark in o...

ICC profile editor

hi. knows icc (icm) profile editor (by adobe or - in lack thereof - other, preferably freeware) fine-tune icc profile created calibration device ? thanks. also: is true can create icc profile photoshop ? i read here: "for example, if results profile show green cast: open target scan in photoshop, start curve dialogue, , simple pull of midpoint of green curve, make *brighter*, 118 138. save copy, , create new icc profile file." More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Unique Raspberry Pi Hybrid Tube Amplifier Add On - Raspberry Pi Forums

the 502hta complete redesign of highly popular 503hta. have increased size standard shield size , reduced noise floor. have added ability power pi it's own supply eliminate noise coupling pi. main features are: form factor – raspberry pi ® shield w/40-pin connector 24-bit dac – regarded -112db snr pcm5102 used convert i2s stream drive single triode tube stage @ 24-bit 192khz frame rate tube rolling – 502hta supports both 6dj8 (default jj 6dj8) , 12au7 type tubes. individual anode bias adjustment pots plus selectable series/parallel heater configuration insure perfect setup for virtually tube! headphone out – rugged 3.5mm jack plus selectable output resistance between 1.5, 47 , 100 ohms. volume pot , gain select – high quality alps potentiometer , dual gain settings allow user adjust output voltage optimal level each headphone. single power input option – single 24v @ 2a input powers 502hta , delivers 5v@3a pi via low pass noise filter. power can isolated between 502hta...

help with adding a link to my static content - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, on 1 of pages have forecast picture shows weather forecast next few days show text underneath link;type=closeup;sess= how link show text under forecast image ? i have made wrapper of text shows on differant page  use iframe. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Gyroscope L3G4200D in arduino due

hello guys! i'm using gyroscope l3g4200d , have created 2 codes,one protocol i2c , 1 spi. code i2c quote #include <wire.h> double x, y, z; byte highbyte, lowbyte; void setup() {   wire.begin();                                        serial.begin(9600);                                  wire.begintransmission(105);                          wire.write(0x20);                                    wire.write(0x0f);                                    wire.endtransmission();                      ...

google map api component - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there i'm trying google maps work. whats easiest way display in contact page on website ? what did add the  {mosmap} content item (example news item 3 ) , add contact page joomlaworks "ultimate content display" module v1.0. when access on page content of news article , space allocated map ... without being able see map . when press link news article take me page , can see map there . am doing wrong ? or there way display map in contact page ? new .. sorry innocent question hope clear enough , give info needed thank you there patch of joomla core files, taht can displays map in com_contact. if find post it!! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Essentials_Camera_Book Chapter 10 - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi has made chapter 10 project book have finished minus enviro hat , removed hat code have 1 funny result amount of space left on sd card. have used 32gb 2gb used stretch lite , on 26gb free using df -h command web page display show has 5.5% of free space has hacked script give closedown button clean closure occurs.. terryr a friend has given me answer wrong ram size. need remove 100 line below df_pc = round(100 -(100 * df_avail/df_size),1) becomes df_pc = round((100 * df_avail/df_size),1) post on magpi github well still looking clean way close camera down terryr raspberrypi

Thread: ISO downloaded - kernel version ?

i've downloaded lot of different versions of ubuntu, kubuntu , xubuntu in past , have number of iso files stored on pc. there way of finding out kernel version without having burn/run live cd each of isos or there program can find out information me ? a great resource: or: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] ISO downloaded - kernel version ? Ubuntu

RF Monitor // Need help w/ static IP - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello all, have rpi set listening device rf. set specific vhf frequency, when radio station cuts out e-mail. can send commands rpi have send me audio samples , status. gmail account associated rpi accomplish this. have config file in there specifies account. when connected wireless hotspot thing works perfectly. however, can't use that. need connected trough ethernet using static ip addressing. added ip addressing cmdline.txt file on sd card. after that, can ping device on network. however, still can't communicate through e-mails. thought might need add dns ip. added dns /etc/resolv.conf file , entered "nameserver x.x.x.x" there. able issue wget command , see webpage. however, still cannot communicate through e-mails (gmail). ideas? raspberrypi

Eine Variabel begrenzen? => Kompass

hey zusammen. also ich baue gerade einen roboter mit einem ultraschallsensor und einem kompass. jetzt bin ich soweit das der roboter in einem abstand von 30 cm nach rechts oder links fahren soll. beim kompass bekomme ich werte natürlich von 0.0 bis 359.9 herraus. also wen ich bei 100° stehe und dann ein hinderniss kommt, dan speichert er das zwischen und fährt eine kurve bis 190° oder 10° herraus kommen. aber wie mache ich das bei 20°???    (-70° geht schlecht, weil ich das nie bekomme ) im headingdegrees sind die aktuellen ° gelsen und im grad die als das hinderniss kam. (bis jetzt geht nur eine rgb led in ein blinkeln über  ) meine idee wähere jetzt (keine ahnung wie (hoffe ihr schon)) eine variabel von 0-360 begrenzen. code: [select]  if ((headingdegrees >= (grad+90))||(headingdegrees <= (grad-90)))       {         led(4);         x=0;         break;      ...

external watchdog on GPIO output - Raspberry Pi Forums

in linux possible redirect kernel watchdog module ticking gpio (external hw watchdog) instead of build in hw watchdog on motherboard. see: ... io-wdt.txt possible same setting using watchdog have found in /boot/overlays/ ? example code above mentioned link: code: select all watchdog: watchdog { /* adm706 */ compatible = "linux,wdt-gpio"; gpios = <&gpio3 9 gpio_active_low>; hw_algo = "toggle"; hw_margin_ms = <1600>; }; your question ambiguous - watchdog want use, , how want control it? raspberrypi

Newbie needs help..... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i seem getting there have nagging problems can't solve... hope can help.... cheers  1/. when try login front end blank screen? (backend fine) edit - ohhhh shucks... can't log admin - 'internet explorer cannot display webpage' after sumbmit login details..... helllllllllppppp 2/. emails sent contact form won't send? (registration email etc works & thank email message appears) 3/. number of guests showing (who's on-line) seems cumulate rather show actual number @ time? 4/. how specify rss feed (url) local page in newsfeeds? (i 'cache directory unwriteable ' message @ mo) 5/. need allow users simple way upload , insert images... suggestions? many, many thanks. .... main issues resolved re-install - phew :-) ....would great input on these issues though... 1/. emails sent contact form won't send? (registration email etc works & thank email message appears) 2/. number of guests showing (who's on-line) seems cumulate rather show actual num...

image processor defaulting to camera raw settings

i'm trying process folder of raw files. i'm using image processor , selecting "open first image apply settings" button. opens first raw file in folder , can apply raw settings want. creates xmp file next particular picture. problem is, unless there xmp file next each additional file in bunch, reverts camera raw default settings , not apply raw setting i've selected picture. is there way make sure doesn't happen? well, think @ least found work around. if save settings want new camera defaults, keeps conversion consistent. More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Thread: Compiz Stackswitch

hello, running mint gloria (jaunty). spent while trying figure out how install stackswitch plugin compiz. managed installed, though of available seems hardy. however, whenever check box enable stackswitch, automatically disables few seconds later. have no idea why. help? thanks, -newbie oh, if it's help, i'm on dell latitude d620. repository added install stackswitch labeled hardy, because when added jaunty apt-get couldn't find it. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu Compiz Stackswitch Ubuntu

pi zero w painfully slow. - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, after did sudo aptget-update , upgrade, pi 0 still painfully slow. read somewhere can modify config.txt change /boot/config.text file reads: arm_freq=850 sdram_freq=500 largest number can give them? thanks. the causes pi 0 being slow when browsing web , running integrated office applications slow cpu speed coupled not enough ram. may possible clock cpu 20% faster 1000 mhz, however, little can done increase ram. moreover, lack of sufficient ram more significant factor. obvious solution not run programs designed computers 4gb 16gb of ram on computer 0.5gb of ram. program slow? maybe there less bloated alternative satisfactory performance. raspberrypi

arduino nano´s program runs only when freshly uploaded

ey! i think subject says all. have project working arduino nano, sd card reader (3.3v) , led strip (5v / ws2812b) runs when uploaded. when disconnect usb computer , reconnect it, wont run, , external power supply, wont run. more weird fact have identical project arduino nano, sd card reader (5v) , led strip (12v / ws2811), works time. ideas? code: code: [select] #include <adafruit_neopixel.h> #include <sd.h> #include <spi.h> #define sdsspin 4     //arduino nano //#define sdsspin 53    //arduino mega int nppin = 6;        //arduino nano //int nppin = 23;       //arduino mega //int colorseq = neo_rgb; int colorseq = neo_grb; int bitstreamfreq = neo_khz800;     //ws2812b //int bitstreamfreq = neo_khz400;     //ws2811 int g = 0; int b = 0; int r = 0; #define strip_length 3 int framedelay = 10; int brightness = 100; byte x; adafruit_neopixel strip = adafruit_neopixel(str...