
Showing posts from June, 2013

Thread: Getting Ubuntu running on an old laptop, interesting restrictions

hello, have sony vaio pcg-c1ve laptop, doesn't have cd drive, usb floppy drive , can boot that, bios not support booting usb. network access through pcmcia slot have been trying install linux distro in order breathe life problem options installing rather limited, seen above. managed install openbsd 4.6 running bsd boot floppy managed recognize usb cdrom had available. being complete newbie took me time mount usb cd rom in bsd managed access ubuntu 9.10 alternative installation... what? not sure how proceed... have suggestions on how laptop running? have been trying days bootable floppies have usb support, have tried plop boot manager (always hangs when selecting usb) , on... and/or suggestions appreciated, thanks! not many distros support booting floppy anymore kernel big on them. try debian 4.0 has set of boot floppies , either see if install usb floppy or net install , upgrade 5.0 on inter...

With all this dhcpc craziness, how do I set 2 IPs? - Raspberry Pi Forums

taking account in stretch network interfaces not configured in /etc/ network / interfaces anymore, rather should configured using configuration file bla bla bla (daemon service implementing client 1 of numerous tcp/ip protocols called dhcp), how set 2 static ip addresses physical interface? i.e. want able run dhcp client on wifi interface obtain dynamic wan address. , want assign eth0 dhcp server on (dnsmasq instance). need logical network on eth0 (without dhcp client/server sake of simplicity). define eth0:1 , eth0:2 2 different static addresses. dhcpcd.conf should , therefor not understand such complex things. configures dhcp client. still able define eth0:1 in /etc/network/interfaces static ip, dhcpcd hate me , not work. if use denyinterfaces eth0, still fails surprisingly. need dhcp client working on wifi! can add address manually "sudo ip addr add dev eth0" want on boot. , don't want lame work-a-round ruining command us...

مشكلة متكررة في تثبيت جملة - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

مساء الخير أعجبتني جملة و لكن في مرحلة التثبيت واجهت مشكلة أريد شرح عن هذه الخانات وكيفية تعبئة بياناتها حيث أنني أضفت localhost ,,  root in mysql username ,, 123 in password "mysql database name" كيف يمكنني تعبئة هذه الخانة الفارغة مع الشرح و سأكون شاكر لمن سيساعد اخوي قبل التثبيت لابد انك تسوي قاعدة بيانات من السي بنل والمعلومات هي اسم القاعده اسم المستخدم باسوورد المستخدم وبعد كذا ابدأ التنصيب Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Arabic Forum جوملا! 1.0 التثبيت

Arduino Micro connection with Leonardo with HC-05 Bluetooth module

help, i'm desperate! i can not talk arduini! the bluetooth modules flash @ 9600 baud. even if load of bt probe programs (tx , rx of micro leonardo) modules not communicate serial! i tried use serial1 in both arduino modules here test programs: // ****************tx su micro const int tastatore = 6; const int ledpin =  13; void setup() {   serial.begin(19200) ;   serial1.begin(9600) ; while (!serial1);   pinmode(tastatore, input);   pinmode(ledpin, output); } void loop() {   if (digitalread(tastatore)){     digitalwrite(ledpin, low);     serial1.print("of");     serial1.print("/");   }     else if (!digitalread(tastatore)) {     digitalwrite(ledpin, high);     serial1.print("of");     serial1.print("/");   }   delay(4); } //************rx su leonardo / int led = 13; char stringa_ricevuta[3]; byte indice_rx = 0; byte inbyt...

'Anonymous struct' Compile error in custom library

hi all, i'm trying write first library struggling compile properly. it's relatively simple class that's supposed store list of known wifi networks along passwords , connect strongest one. note it's near finished, wanted test had far, ran problems... here's contents of .h file: code: [select] #ifndef bcn_wifi #define bcn_wifi #include "arduino.h" #include <esp8266wifi.h> class bcn_wifi { public:         //bcn_wifi; void addnetwork(char* sssid, char* spwd); bool setup_wifi(); void list_networks(); private: static wificlient espclient; char* myssids[5]; char* mypwds[5]; int iused; int32_t myrssi[5]; }; #endif and here's corresponding .cpp file: code: [select] /* this file manage wifi connections on esp8266 */ #include <esp8266wifi.h> #include "bcn_wifi.h" #include "arduino.h" /* // default constructor bcn_wifi::bcn_wifi() { //do nothing } */ void bcn_wi...

Ejecutar Kodi al iniciar Raspbian - Raspberry Pi Forums

buenas, instalado kodi en raspbian y quiero que salte kodi al encender la rpi. estado mirando por varias web pero lo único que encontrado ha sido modificar el archivo "kodi" en "/etc/default/kodi" poniendo: # set 1 enable startup enabled=1 # user run kodi as user=pi # adjust niceness of kodi (decrease higher priority) nice=-10 pero no se inicia de ninguna manera. me pide siempre el password del usuario, y aunque meta el password, no inicia kodi luego. mi usuario es "pi". ¿qué podría hacer para que se iniciara kodi automáticamente al inicio? gracias. yo lo tengo igual que tu, excepto que uso el usuario kodi, que es el que se creo al instalar el paquete kodi. para lo demás uso el usuario pi (entre otros) raspberrypi

Controlling 4 steppers

hi! i have project: omniwheel 4wd car stepper motors. use library ah_easydriver controlling steppers. want control motors 3 parameters: x axis speed (xm), y axis speed (ym) , rotating speed (fi). code: [select] #include <ah_easydriver.h> #include <math.h> // ah_easydriver(int res, int dir, int step, int ms1, int ms2, int slp); ah_easydriver stepper1(200,2,3,4,5,6);    ah_easydriver stepper3(200,7,8,9,10,11); ah_easydriver stepper2(200,22,23,24,25,26); ah_easydriver stepper4(200,27,28,29,30,31); void setup() {   serial.begin(57600);   serial.println(stepper1.getversion());   stepper1.setmicrostepping(0);  // 0 -> full stepping  1 -> 1/2 stepping  2 -> 1/4 stepping  3 -> 1/8 stepping                          serial.println(stepper2.getversion());   stepper2.setmicrostepping(0);        serial.println(stepper3.getversion());...

Read serial data into array for smoothing filter

i'm newbie , trying smoothing data... the data in 14byte cr n nl.... pls me for exm= 0000.1000010 0000.2000010 0001.1000010 0000.1000010 0000.1000010 0000.1000010 0000.1000010 0000.1000010 i'm refer code /*   smoothing   reads repeatedly analog input, calculating running average   , printing computer.  keeps ten readings in array and   continually averages them.   circuit:     * analog sensor (potentiometer do) attached analog input 0   created 22 april 2007   david a. mellis  <>   modified 9 apr 2012   tom igoe   example code in public domain. */ // define number of samples keep track of.  higher number, // more readings smoothed, slower output will // respond input.  using constant rather normal variable lets // use value determine size of readings array. const int numreadings = 10; int readings[numreadings];  ...

Terrible tablet issues in CS4

just got trial cs4 , works fine, slight lag , such. i have 2.2ghz dual core, 2gb ddr2 ram pc integrated intel video card (i know, new 1 day). problem following: when draw mouse there no or no lag brushes, if set pretty large size on big file. problem tablet , cs4 (it works perfect painter ix , other application i've tested). when create new file, draw on background layer fine. if decide make new layer or zoom in or out, tablet stop drawing, can still draw mouse. not straight line people around here seem get. if decide make new file, have close whole ps , restart in order tablet drawing on background layer. changing opacity fixes problem until zoom or make layer. stop drawing no apparent reason, bugs me most. my tablet genius wizardpen 5x4 (it still first tablet , seem love it. day, after make other purchases new one) anyone encountering same problem , know how fix it? tablets (other wacom) tend not play nice new photoshop releases. see if new driver available or inform tablet m...

automatisation d'une érablière

bonjour, je suis un électromécanicien depuis 5 ans. dans ma famille nous avons une cabane sucre et je me suis donné comme projet d'automatisé nos instalation. je voudrais qu'a chaque station de pompage il y est : -1 caméra - un relais pour partir les pompe - un capteur ultrason pour le niveau du bassin mon problème no 1 ces la distance. il y une station de pompage 300mètre et l'autre 6 km... donc sa me prend tous ce beau montage sans fil... avec une très forte communication vue la distance. j'aimerais pouvoir gérer tout cela partir de mon téléphone. je sais que sa représente beaucoup de travail mais sa ne me décourage pas. ce que je vous demande ces de m'aider savoir qu'elle pièce, composante que sa me prend. avec les bonne pièce et quelque conseil je devrais y arriver. j'ai vue les module arduino avec les capteurs ultrasons et petites caméras mais je ne sais pas vraiment avec quel carte ni antenne je peux y arriver. merci de votre aide ...

Thread: Aticonfig + ati driver install = got black screen?

hi, formated new partition , here complete command executed: 1) sudo apt-get update 2) sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx 3) sudo aticonfig --initial 4) go on internet , download ati driver installer , catalyst 5) sudo sh ./ati-driver-installer..... .run poping installation wizard, next next next automatic installer. require reboot. rebooted, see kubuntu loading , boom black screen. questions: how fix without getting old xorg.conf file? why it's complicated??? this happens when folks force installation of wrong video driver. since didn't mention ati card/chip you're using, don't know if installed wrong driver. but, remove driver, follow instructions below: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [kubuntu] Aticonfi...

Thread: e2label error

i'm trying set label ntfs volume in ubuntu 9.10 using e2label , i'm getting following error message: e2label: permission denied while trying open /dev/sdb5 couldn't find valid filesystem superblock. i've tried command while volume unmounted , mounted , same error either way. i've tried using sudo command gives similar error: e2label: bad magic number in super-block while trying open /dev/sdb6 couldn't find valid filesystem superblock. what doing wrong here? posted matt26 what doing wrong here? you're using e2label try set label on ntfs partition. e2label ext2/3/4. install package ntfsprogs , use ntfslabel terminal. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support...

L298 current sensing + pwm

hi, want aply pwm on solenoid controling flow of gas valve. possible measure current using sense pins of l298 when used in pwm mode? how connect microcontroller? the voltage across sense resistor pwm , need amplifying low pass filtering make usable analog feedback signal. what solenoid current? or, use 1 of these, (or similar), still need lpf. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > L298 current sensing + pwm arduino

collaborazione nuovo progetto

ragazzi, più che una collaborazione cerco qualcuno che mi aiuta in un progetto, allora io ho un allevamento di canarini, questo allevamento dovrò spostarlo in una cantina, per fortuna areata, allora quello che vorrei fare è una sorta di centralina per l'illuminazione automatica, visto che le centraline in commercio costano troppo ho pensato al nostro amico arduino, ecco cosa dovrei fare: accensione di due linee di luci, un neon per la luce del giorno ed una lampadina luminescenza x la luce lunare e che simula l'alba e il tramonto. fin qui non ci sarebbero problemi ad impostare l'ora di accensione e spegnimento delle luci, ma quello che cerco io è sincronizzare l'ora con internet e che in automatico accende e spegne le luci in base all'alba di ogni giorno. mi aiutate? partiamo da zero, cioè materiale occorrente e sketch..... grazie. ciao, intanto puoi cercare e leggere quelli che altri hanno fatto per il cotrollo delle serre ...

Thread: koala gets stuck during boot ocassionally

my upgrade 9.04 9.10 gave me laptop boots first stucks black screen after boot menu.i have kill , restart again.and boots second 1 problem?how fix it? if cold boots fail , warm boots work, see if vendor has bios update; might help. otherwise may not better until 10.04 lucid lynx. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] koala gets stuck during boot ocassionally Ubuntu

Why client.available() is needed in a TCP server code if there is if(client) ?

hello. if have simple code...: #include <ethernet.h> #include <spi.h> byte mac[] = {0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xed}; ipaddress ip(192, 168, 1, 107); ethernetserver server = ethernetserver(80); void setup() {     serial.begin(9600);     ethernet.begin(mac, ip);     server.begin(); } void loop() {     ethernetclient client = server.available();     if(client) {         if(client.available()) {             char c =;             serial.print(c);         }     } } ...why necessary nested ifs? aren't redundant? mean...why if(client.available()) must written if above there if(client) line? documentation isn't clear it. thanks lot first have detect if client object exists. can start asking questions if it's available. next time, use code tags please. ...

Install Lirc on Zero W - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm trying install lirc. manuals seem out of date. should edit hardware.conf file. not found in /etc/lirc have wiringpi installed. irsend send_once tv key_power hardware not support sending error running command: input/output error in boot/config.txt added : dtoverlay=lirc-rpi, gpio_in_pin=23, gpio_out_pin=17, gpio_in_pull=down found restart command has been changed sudo /etc/init.d/lircd restart there how me running. i'm real novice pi did ever find solution this? i'm facing exact same issues. raspberrypi

Image(s) instead of text editor for modules - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

is there way use images instead of text headers various modules have on site. ideally easy fix - stylesheet or perhaps there mambot it? thanks rowby the headings in module, text you can put background each module header... in template_css.css file code: select all table.moduletable th {    background-image: url(../images/your_image.jpg);    font-size: 12px;    color: black;    width: 100%;    height:21px;    line-height: 21px;    text-align: left; } Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

SIM928A GSM/GPS shield from open

hi, has used sim928a shield gsm_gprslibrary_gps sketch isn't working. gsm sketches working fine gps sketch not. failing @ gps.attachgps(). i'm using sketches here: , using external 12v power supply 2a output. output arduino serial monitor, , picture of setup posted below. appreciated! gsm shield testing. att: ok ric: ok db:else att: ok ric: ok db:else att: ok ric: ok db:else att: ok ric: ok db:correct br att: ok ric: ok att: ok ric: ok att: ok ric: ate0 ok att: ok ric: ok att: ok ric: ok att: ok ric: ok att: ok ric: ok att: +cpms: ric: +cpms: 2,30,2,30,2,30 ok att: ok ric: ok att: shut ok ric: shut ok status=ready att: ok ric: ok att: ok ric: ok att: ok ric: +creg: 0,1 ok att: ok ric: error att: ok ric: error att: ok ric: error att: ok ric: error att: ok ric: error status=error att: ok ric: error att: unknown ric: error att: unknown ric: error att: not ric: error att: 2d ric: error att: 2d ric: ...

Twitter und Esp8266

hallo, hat jemand einen tipp. ich stecke fest und komm nicht weiter. ich möchte einen tweet mit dem esp8266 senden. ich benutze die anduino ide für den esp8266. mit dem arduino ethernet shield funktioniert es sehr gut. die #include <twitter.h> geht mit dem esp8266 nicht mit folgender fehlermeldung : arduino: 1.6.9 (windows 7), board: "generic esp8266 module, 80 mhz, 40mhz, dio, 115200, 512k (64k spiffs), ck, disabled, none" in file included c:\users\mb\documents\arduino\esp test\esp_mail_test.ino:10:0: c:\users\mb\documents\arduino\libraries\twitter/twitter.h:17:26: fatal error: avr/pgmspace.h: no such file or directory  #include <avr/pgmspace.h>  compilation terminated. grüße holger exit status 1 fehler beim kompilieren für das board generic esp8266 module. scheint so, dass die twitter.h noch nicht für den esp8266 angepasst ist. versuch, keine ahnung ob es bringt: in der twitter.h die entsprechende include auskommentieren a...

Olika bilder i mallen beroende på språk? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej! två av bilderna på sajten ligger direkt mallen och dessa skulle behövas bytas ut vid engelsk sida. jag har äversatt sajten med joomfish 1.7. Är det möjlig att fixa en if-sats som visar en bild för svenska och en för engelska, och sådana fall, hur skulle den se ut? jo, det finns lösningar för det. kolla de klistrade trådarna joomfish-forumet:,123.0.html mvh Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Äldre versioner Forum Joomla! 1.0 Komponenter, moduler och Mambots

Thread: how i got my xserver to work again

haven't been upgrading new release because when tried before, never xserver work again. today decided upgrade , if doesn't work , remove ubuntu. did booted recovery. copied /etc/x11/xorg.conf.failsafe overwriting xorg.conf. rebooted. had xserver no compiz stuff. went system preferences , selected appearance setting. changed appearance include animations , such (the second selection bottom) , said needed install driver graphics card (ati). installed driver.i had reboot again. went appearance, did same selection , works now. able go compiz fusion , select items want (wobbly windows, desktop cube, etc). simple fix not on through many post of asking it. if post helps 1 person, worth it. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] how i got my xserver to work again Ubuntu

Confused about setup and loop functions

hello!  running few experiments try , figure out power numbers, , came across interesting find has me stumped. timers take juice, wanted see difference between calling curietimerone.kill() and default behavior determine if timer on.  found when call curietimerone.kill() in setup() , using more power if call in loop() .  makes absolutely no sense me... can shed light?  feel might overlooking something, don't know what. thanks! Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino 101 (Moderators: cmaglie, facchinm) > Confused about setup and loop functions arduino

ATtiny 85 Strange program issue

hey guys, have gotten attiny85 , figured out how program , everyhting, simple program i'm trying use isn't working. code suppost read voltage of pin #2 , turn led on if below 3.5 volts. doing however, gets power turns led on. ideas why isn't working? thanks code: [select] int batterypin = 2; int ledpin = 3; float batteryvoltage = 0.0; void setup() {   pinmode(ledpin, output);   pinmode(batterypin, input); } void loop() {   batteryvoltage = (analogread(batterypin)) * (5.0 / 1023.0);   delay(5);   if (batteryvoltage <= 3.5){     digitalwrite(ledpin, high);     }   else {     digitalwrite(ledpin, low);     }   } quote from: emaneric on jul 17, 2016, 01:31 pm hey guys, have gotten attiny85 , figured out how program , everyhting, simple program i'm trying use isn't working. code suppost read voltage of pin #2 , turn led on if below 3.5 volts. doing however, gets po...

forms integration - - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

testing form component in j1.5rc legacy mode on. suggest? poll runs till thu apr 27, 2045 9:55 pm performs 0 no votes facileforms 0 no votes others 0 no votes   total votes: 0 your vote has been cast. testing form component in j1.5rc legacy mode on. suggest? i'd use form build in db of users, , retrive data depending on characteristics. i used ff in j 1.0.12, not trying perform looks more performing (one single component, desing  in building db of forms) have problems j1.5 rc, in visualisation in ie (see post..) some ideas? experiences? ff 1.4.7 requires still 1.0.x. i tryed modified  j1.5rc, no success.. other attempts? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/Ne...

Scratch im Autostart startet nicht richtig im Presentationsmodus - Raspberry Pi Forums

hallo, ich habe ein raspberry pi 3 und ein 7 zoll 800x480 pixel display. das raspberry startet auch alles wunderbar. scratch wird geöffnet und schaltet sich dann in den presentationsmodus. leider ist dieses bild aber extrem klein. es hat die grösse von dem kleinen bühnenbild. wenn ich nun von hand das grosse bühnenbild auswähle und danach auf vollbild wechsel, ist die grösse wunderbar auf dem display aufgeteilt und man kann alles erkennen. nur beim autostart wählt das vollbild die kleinere bühnenansicht. kann man das irgentwie durch einstellungen oder erweiterungen "erzwingen" der grundgedanke dabei ist, dass das raspberry mehrmals tag gestartet wird und die scratch programm im vollbild modus (so gross wie irgentwie möglich) auf dem 7 zoll display angezeigt wird. wenn alles nachher verbaut ist, ist eine eingabe per maus oder tastatur nicht mehr vorgesehen. deswegen muss das scratch programm halt von anfang automatisch im grossen vollbild laufen. hoffe es kann mir je...

extplorer Please Help - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hiya, could me please? i instal new extplorer however, when try use it log me out of jomla admin , i'm again on . any ideas how fix this? used work previous versions , love program, now it doesn' work thanks lot! honzazi moved open source products components Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Thread: How do I install Iron Browser??

in ubuntu 8.10 downloaded tar file. when move need in directory downloaded it. first move it: code: sudo mv iron-linux.tar.gz /opt/ unpack: code: tar xvf iron-linux.tar.gz move directory: code: cd /opt/iron-linux/ read read me build: code: ./configure make sudo make install Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] How do I install Iron Browser?? Ubuntu

Double HIGH (with pause) and hold HIGH on output pin using Chrono library

hi everyone. i'm trying make program (using chrono library) following: 1. when "input" high start counting (start chrono) , set "pin" high 2. when 200ms has passed set "pin" low 3. when 300ms has passed set "pin" high , hold in high long "input" high 4. if "input" low, set "pin" low with code i've written "pin" high when "input" high. and can't use "start()" command library, i've used restart (when use "mychrono.start();" error message while compiling " 'class chrono' has no member named 'start' " any advice? code: [select] #include <chrono.h> chrono mychrono; int pin = 2; int input = a2; void setup() {     pinmode (pin, output);   pinmode (input, input); } void loop() {   if (digitalread(input) == high) {     digitalwrite(pin, high);     mychrono.start();     if (mychrono...

Romo robot powere by ATMEGA for $20

hi folks, i picked romo on ebay $20 , surprise, found company defunct , many cloud features not working.  so, decided reverse-engineer it, , discovered arduino based (see attached photos). i'd love paws chip.  is there easy way find header can solder able program it?  wish had original firmware, don't. i'd need test each output high/low or pwm, etc.  the iphone interface said sound receptor , communication protocol said open source. move found info searching google cache of web site.   cheers, hi,      what photos??  sounds interesting. regards mel. Arduino Forum > Topics > Robotics (Moderator: fabioc84) > Romo robot powere by ATMEGA for $20 arduino

attuatore lineare

buongiorno, ho una domanda:in futuro dovrò realizzare un braccio meccanico portatile che da una posizione completamente chiusa si apra totalmente. siccome ho paura che servo non bastino (saranno abbastanza pesanti,sono per un cosplay),pensavo di usare degli attuatori lineari. qualcuno ha mai fatto qualcosa del genere?grazie! tieni presente che l'attuatore lineare di solito è piuttosto lento (3-5 cm/s), in compenso è molto potente (spinta 50 kg), ma pesa oltre 1 kg. Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) > attuatore lineare arduino

Frontend content organization and presentation improvements - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

basic functionalities best frontend "news" extensions (e.g. display news, frontpage thumbnails, news portal..) included in core, extend presentation possibilities. blog & table section not quite enough more. also badly needed possibility combine various content types on 1 page - e.g. components , articles or multiple components. one think along these lines see ability go lists blogs. that have option: menu link-->a section list of categories.         click on category name, blog of content items in category (optionally category description showing). current required  behavior if make section link list of categories         click on category name, list of content items in category. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Feature Requests - White Papers - Arc...

Bluetooth Empfangsprobleme

moin moin zusammen... ich habe mit einem arduino nano und einem hc-05 eine steuerung für leds aufgebaut. zusätzlich habe ich eine android app gebastelt, die helligkeit und steuern kann. jetzt habe ich das problem, das dieses nicht mehr zuverlässig funktioniert. das problem liegt arduino oder bluetooth modul. das empfange ich das wollte ich empfangen bluetooth available modus:2 se05 se07 modus:1 s²˜3:˜00:000:255 se˜™:255:000:000 se˜3:000:255:000 ¹e0™�000:000:255 ¹e0™š255:255:255 se˜3:255:000:000 se˜3:0˜0:2š5:000 s²03:˜00:000:255 s²03:™55:000:000 s²03:˜00:255:000 s²03:˜00:000:000 s²05 bluetooth available modus:2 se05 se07 modus:1 se03:000:000:255 se03:255:000:000 se03:000:255:000 se03:000:000:255 se03:255:255:255 se03:255:000:000 se03:000:2š5:000 se03:000:000:255 se03:055:000:000 se03:000:255:000 se03:000:000:000 se05 zum senden habe ich schon diverse sachen versucht. zum einen meine app zum anderen aber auch ein bluetooth terminal. zudem habe ich auch andere bluetooth geräte g...

Thread: Favorite Star Trek Movie (of the first 6)

i getting relative , major st:tos fan (who has never seen of movies, , neither have i) first 6 star trek movies christmas. whats favorite , should watch first? i'm gonna suprise , 6. in ranking 6 4 2 3 1 there no five. not start 1. boring. if watch 2,3,4 or 6 though, advised watch them all, , in order. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Favorite Star Trek Movie (of the first 6) Ubuntu

Need help with output to follow input

hello everyone, i'm new arduino coding , need 1 of projects. basically project take in signal(in pulse width modulation) pixhawk , send 2 motors through esc(electronic speed controller), , need have switch(signal in pwm) turn motors off. the problem facing when switch allows signal pass through, output not follow input, though led of pin 13 working. the following code. (the board i'm using arduino uno) code: [select] int motoraout = 5; int motorbout = 6; int motora = 9; int motorb = 10; int motorcontrol =11; boolean a=0; boolean b=0; void setup()   {     pinmode(motoraout, output);     pinmode(motorbout, output);     pinmode(motora, input);     pinmode(motorb, input);     pinmode(motorcontrol,input);     pinmode(13, output);   } void loop()   {     int controlswitch = pulsein(motorcontrol, high);         if(controlswitch>1500)          ...

Welche Steuerung / Driver für Schrittmotor

hi, habe einen drucker ausgeschlachtet und mehrere schrittmotoren ausgebaut mit denen ich gerne etwas spielen möchte. jetzt ist die frage welchen driver verwende ich. habe schon etwas gegooglet aber leider kein 100% passendes datenblatt gefunden. ich habe 17pm-k140-04v motoren. gibt es etwas wie universal driver? gruß schmitti quote from: schmitti on jul 01, 2016, 02:31 pm ... gibt es etwas wie universal driver? ... wenn es sowas gibt, ist das imo die kombination eines motor-shields mit der stepper-bibliothek (siehe ich habe damit einen schrittmotor aus einem scanner zum laufen gebracht. gruß gregor Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > Welche Steuerung / Driver für Schrittmotor arduino

force reload of form page (newbie) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i'm working on first component (kind of helpdesk internal usage in company). in overview (view1) list of messages shown. clicking on message visitors can see details of message (view2) button edit message in form (view3). pretty basic stuff... use mvc model , used stuff com_content example. when visitor edits message in form (view3) , returns view2, modifications visible. however, when message re-edited in view3, old contents shown again, due caching behaviour of browser. question is: joomla way force browser reload when form reopened? thanks suggestion! gertjan problem solved, upgrading latest built solved made problem dissapear. still interested in underlying mechanism though... Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 Coding

Thread: ReInstall NetworkManager

hey everyone- need help, running juanty 9.04. worked internet. had verizon usb modem, , detected other wireless networks. uninstalled networkmanager try something, , it's screwed up. d/l .deb package version , put onto flash drive computer connected internet. installed fine, depencies met, says int's installed, cannot find anywhere , automatically detect internet again. can please help? thank can help, gdebi package installer says fine , installed. when go terminal remove network-manager-gnome start over, terminal says not installed nothing removed. mean, please help? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] ReInstall NetworkManager Ubuntu

Batch process error message

hi there last time used photoshop fine. , of sudden none of custom actions work batch process. message keeps coming saying "the command "image size" not available" if click continue pops right saying same next process , again , again every process in action. it on photo , custom action have saved interestingly if open photo , click play on action without going through batch process... works fine.. nothing wrong actual action. has there been bug introduced live update along way? its very annoying regularly batch process 100s of photos web , im having them 1 1!! thanks in advance help. how can roll update in photoshop?? photoshop not have live update problem must else. geoff. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Logic Chips for Pi Power Supply Project - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, looking , gate, or gate, , comparator chip in dual inline packages raspberry pi project. supply voltage vary between 3 , 5 volts depending on whether using 3 volt battery or 5 volt power supply. of inputs go high @ 5 volts while other inputs go high @ 3 volts. chips must tolerant of these variations. perhaps term "5v-tolerant inputs" applies here. output of , gate needs 3 volts max if supply voltage or inputs @ 5 volts because connected gpio pin on pi. maybe voltage regulator this? chips these qualities exist? if can purchase them? thanks, john hi. logic chips suggest @ 74 series of chips there many variations , might find need there. comparator chip bit general depends on want compare. suggest try googling ever want compare , see produces. purchase depends again google find local supplier. suggest update forum profile show location. raspberrypi

WebClient repeating lasts 16 secs every time?!

hi there, since day, repeating webclient lasts ~16sec untill next loop if have set update interval 1sec. make arduino (mega 2560 r3) update, there correlation this? when use code example "webclientrepeating" last 16 seconds ... hell this? ps: since today have longer cat5 cable (~10m) .. there limitation arduino , cable length? thanks lot answeres!! robin quote from: napster1989 on aug 21, 2016, 07:09 pm i make arduino (mega 2560 r3) update what mean? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > WebClient repeating lasts 16 secs every time?! arduino

Thread: System messed up after enabling DVD playback.

a friend running ubuntu 9.10 asked me how enable dvd playback. directed him to link , , told him use these commands: code: sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/ he tried this, , ran problems: i ran problem... entered "apt-get" command above , got nfs-common error. can add/remove programs, update out seeing errors occuring. looked bug on, don't quite see how "fix" installed. there way go date when error didn't occur? or there way have errors evaluated (system check) fixes recommended? i asked him copy of error, , sent me these: code: here copy of listing details of error message while attempting openoffice's data management (like ms access) -------------------------- adding system user `statd' (uid 116) ... adding new user `statd' (uid 116) group `nogroup' ... useradd: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try ...

How to change the default foreground/background colours?

hi, basic question... i'd change default foreground/background colours, when click on toolbar's default colour icon (or press d), other black , white. alternatively, i'd able save color , call foreground (or background) colour key-stroke. possible? thanks. i don't think possible change defaults colors. if don't use swatches panel, maybe solution make action sets foreground / background colors, , assign shortcut it. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Fonts missing

i´ve bought book "adobe classroom in book" , installed fonts on cd onto windows/fonts folder fonts i´ve installed aren´t available in ps? i´ve restarted ps , pc fonts aren´t available yet. is there solution this? i´ve opened ai check if problem continued , got dissapointed again see fonts weren´t available again. did install them via menu either in fonts folder or control panel applet? More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

"Easy transfer" reliability when there are 3 parties communicating

i've been using bill porter's "easy transfer" library over half duplex rs485 connection , works reliably when there 2 parties talking in master slave fashion. can send thousands of messages , see decoded slave. if add second slave same bus uses different packet format, take turns sending message 1 slave , other, 1 in every 200 or packets fails decoded 1 or other of slaves. the master uses 2 instances of easytransfer object each unique struct created each slave. alternately pipe output same hardware serial port flush @ end of each transmission ensure there no cross contamination of outgoing message bytes. on each slave i'm guessing easytransfer::receivedata() function getting confused 'unwanted' data intended other slave arrives in receive buffer prefix 'wanted' data. sound plausible? Arduino Forum > Usin...

Thread: xflux: because a bright monitor at night is no fun found out about/started using this. while can tell makes more yellow, lot easier on eyes @ night. don't know if i'll keep though because room same light anyways. guess monitor not keeping me awake. i never got linux file work properly. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe xflux: because a bright monitor at night is no fun Ubuntu

Logging in to for anything other than forum is problematic

i've complained before no solutions. if log in forum account, can use forum no problems. can't use account arduino blogs or trying submit project. says credential invalid. else have same issues? tried ie , firefox. don't have problems here using chrome. try logging in via incognito/private window. if solves problem, kill cache & cookies in browsers. Arduino Forum > Development > Suggestions for the Arduino Project > Logging in to for anything other than forum is problematic arduino

Segmentdrehscheibe mit DC Motor oder Servo betreiben

hallo, ich bin neu in diesem forum und bin auch leider noch nicht belesen zum thema arduino aber ich weiß, dass ich damit motoren und servos ansteuern und einstellen kann. das ist auch mein ziel. ich habe eine segmentdrehscheibe (eigenbau ca. 750-1000g) die ich digital steuern möchte. ich habe eine digital-zentrale für meine modellbahn die mit adressen für magnetartikeln wie dem servo arbeitet. ich brauche für den betrieb drei haltepositionen. ist das möglich? ich habe ein paar fragen zu diesem ganzem thema. 1. ist es überhaupt möglich mit dem arduino eine adresse zu erlangen die ich dann meiner zentrale (ldt-system) übermitteln kann und die zentrale automatisch die befehle das arduino schickt? 2. wenn es möglich ist, ist besser? einen dc motor für die steuerung oder eine servo (analog oder digital). benötigt man sonst alles für den aufbau? das sind die schwierigkeiten die ich noch habe ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen und mich aufklären. beste grüße dominik ...

ATMega328P Bootloader für 1 Mhz an 3 Volt

hallo leute, ich suche ein bootloader mit 1 mhz für denn atmega328p. ich sag mal ich vor habe. ich habe mir eine fernbedienung mit dem atmega328p, 16x2 lcd und 2 ir-led's gebaut. dieses läuft im moment mit einem 16 mhz atmega328p. wenn das display deaktiviert ist kein strom bekommt(relais). und der controller im power-down modus ist frisst er immer noch 4,78 ma. das ist zu viel. mal berechnet das wenn ich ein 7805 um auf 5 v zu komme. habe ich dort eine leistung von 0,239 watt die dort abfällt. deswegen würde ich gerne denn controller auf 1 mhz betreiben und mit 2 aa batterien das wäre dann 3 volt der controller läuft von 1.8 v bis 5.5 v bei 4 mhz laut datenblatt. ich kann aber kein 1 mhz bootloader finden. kann mir da einer helfen? lg. jan. hallo, die ca. 5ma zieht der µc aber nicht alleine. im sleep mode mit 5v zieht der auch nur im µa bereich. deine restl. schaltung müßtest du auseinander nehmen und den strom messen. ...

Else if problem

im having trouble craeting simple calculator can perform 4 basic operations. mistake must  with if-else statements. have 4 conditions addition subtraction multiplication , division, associated 4 letters (a, b, c , d) on keypad in order. if pressed 2 numbers inputed user added if b subtracted , on. (addition) used if , others used else if. , same test (==) all. now, proble, no matter key pressed addition runs. dont know problem might be. thinkin maybe same test cannot ran statements, might right there not meny other tests use [i if (input == 'a') {call addition} , else if (input != a) && (input != a) && (input != a){call subtraction}- == b ==c , == d] still dont understand why cant run same test many times want? i've been trying figure out past 2 days. appreciated. thank in advance, code: [select] #include <keypad.h> #include <liquidcrystal.h> liquidcrystal lcd (7,8,9,10,11,12); int welcometext(){ lcd.begin(16,2);   lcd.clear()...